Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

The tightness in Camila's arms and neck when she woke, told her that despite the few hours of sleep she managed to get, she would still be tired and sore all day.

Despite her achy start, the brightly shining sun was too hopeful to ignore. She felt nervous energy return when she realised what today was. 

She should have been feeling elated, not only did this day mean she was officially becoming a Luna, it also meant that the bond Taine and her shared would be publically exemplified. In the eyes of the moon, they were almost one. They would have to pretend. Pretend that they both couldn't wait to be recognized as a unit, pretend that they were in love.

If she couldn't do it for herself then she would do it for the pack. A pack she didn't know but hoped she could come to love.


Camila swung back and forth on the pencil tip heels of her shoes and smoothed out the fabric of her sky blue dress. She was so preoccupied with trying to catch the butterflies in her stomach that she didn't notice that Taine had come to stand next to her. She refused to look at him, avoiding eye contact keeping consistent with what she had done all day.

From subtle peripheral glances, she could see that he was wearing a light coloured button up shirt and he looked good. Too good for Camila to remember (momentarily) why she was angry with him. She wasn't about to break the silence that forced itself between them and she was confident that Taine wouldn't either.

Just when the thick, tension-filled air had begun to stifle Camila, Ivory came through the double doors that were separating the pair from the pack gathering. She was dressed for the occasion. Camila was surprised to see her in a dress, which differed from her usual more uptight attire. As the door was opened she could hear chatter and laughter from the outdoor area.

"You look pretty Ivory."

Ivory's eyes widened in surprise as she looked down at herself as if looking at what she was wearing for the first time. She grew shy at the compliment.

Ivory tried to be reassuring by smiling at her a final time, before turning to Taine. "Alpha Alverio everything is ready when you are."

Soon it would be Alpha female and Alpha Alverio. A sick feeling wormed itself inside Camila's stomach. She didn't feel ready for this, but when would she ever be? She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath.

She opened them to see an outstretched hand near her own tightly clasped fingers.

 She looked at the hand then at Taine and then at the hand again. "What do you want me to do with it?"She asked dumbly.

Taine didn't look at her, but she could see the frustration in his jaw. "Take it, we need to look the part."


She understood what he had asked of her and was prepared to do it unprompted. The only reason she said no is because she wanted him to look at her.  She wanted a reaction. It worked.

He fully turned to face her, momentarily stunned by her face. She was painfully beautiful. His eyes were instantly drawn to the sparkle in her earrings. The delicate curve of her neck, the shape of her dress against her skin. She glowed tonight, the glow of a Luna. He knew she was hurt, it was written clearly on her face. But there was nothing he could do now. 

 Electricity sparked between them as they looked at one another, really looked. After an understanding passed between them Taine gestured at his open palm. Open for her. 

Camila ended the moment by rolling her eyes and grabbing his hand. Her heart clenched. It felt right but yet so wrong.

Taine opened the door and lead her outside. She took her heel and dug it into his leather shoes. He was pulling her too forcefully.  She wasn't a wild dog. Oh, the irony. 

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