Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: 

The morning after her introduction to the pack Camila felt a  wave of serenity come over her that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

She felt bright sunlight filter through her window and warm her from the inside out. She let herself sink and then float into the morning. Things were changing for the better. She could feel it.

She stretched her limbs and enjoyed a cool, revitalising shower before going to the kitchen to have a cup of tea. She glanced at the time on the clock and saw it was still relatively early. Taine would be up.

Not having the confidence to walk up the stairs and knock on his office door she decided to wait until he came down, to ask what her first official duty as Luna would be. To say she was excited was an understatement.

Thirty minutes later she was still waiting. The cup of tea in her hands had long since been finished. Surely Taine wouldn't still be sleeping?

Werewolves were nightcrawlers. The night was where they thrived. As a species, they struggled to wake alongside the sun and Taine was the exception. She didn't know how he could manage to rise so early.

Knowing his unusual tendencies she made sure that she woke up two hours earlier than normal.

Thirty minutes turned into forty-five and patience turned into irritation.

Just to make sure Taine wasn't actually sleeping and she wasn't overreacting she turned the air temperature to ridiculously low. One of his pet peeves (she had learned about the hard way) was that you didn't use the AC unless it was a sweltering day and if you did, you never put it on the 'blizzard' setting.

She waited until even she was chilly...Nothing.

Now she could confidently conclude, he definitely wasn't home.

Camila tapped her fingers against the china mug, in morbid contemplation. It was one of three scenarios.

He tragically died in his sleep.

He decided to hit the road and leave her to run the pack.

Or he had woken up at a ridiculous hour and being the asshole he was, he didn't tell her that he was in his office in the packhouse....

She was more than happy to accept the realities of the first two options but decided with bitterness that the third was most likely. Glancing at the clock again, Camila decided she could afford another hour of 'tardiness' to dress up a little.

Forty minutes later Camila was dressed to impress and ready for her first day as a Luna.

Enjoying the stroll to the packhouse she took in the fragrant air and let her heart soar with the birds that flitted from tree to tree. This pack was smaller than her old one, but she liked it that way. It made it easier for strangers to become friends and then for friends to become family. This was the first time she felt free enough to experience it all. The first time she had arrived, everything had been coated by darkness and she had practically been smuggled into Taine's house. No time for wandering eyes.

The vast green landscape was sporadically littered with houses and greenery. To the outside, the pack looked like a closed estate. The long red brick driveway began at the gated entrance and wove its way through clusters of lovingly planted trees before it curved over a hill and into the main part of the pack, the road branched out like a river, flowing onto various establishments. An early learning centre, a café, a medical clinic, a training centre.

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