Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 :

Even though Ivory's intial coldness towards Camila, had her feeling edgy and catious. She had to admit; she was beginning to soften towards her Beta. Camila wouldn't go as far as to say they were friends...But still, there was a mutual respect and understanding that didn't exsist before. Ivory was still too 'by the books' for Camila's liking, but at least she let her eat inside the office. And hum.

Camila respected the fact that Ivory had a very specific way of operating. And Ivory learnt to appreciate the fact that Camila liked to collaborate to make day to day work more cohesive. The easy rhythm that they sunk into was a temporary bliss. It prevented them from talking about darker topics or veering too far of course. But nevertheless, it worked for them rather brilliantly.


She could tell that Ivory missed Taine. Neither had sat in his chair. That was his spot. Even though Camila swore that the plush leather was practically whispering sweet things to her, she resisted. It just didn't feel right. Ivory would look up and glance at it every hour or so. To ask a question or to show him something. But he wasn't there and they both were constantly re-realising it.

The pair had just finished trudging through a literal mountain of money loan requests from the pack. The stack of approved forms was as small as the amount of energy left in her system. Running a pack wasn't all about planning parties and looking pretty. It was damn hard work.

Ivory stood up, "I'll just go send these to the post office."

Camila raised up a hand to stop her, "No, no, don't worry about it. I'll do it when I'm going home. I don't need to cook dinner, I have so many pity parcels in the fridge."

Ivory sat down and smiled. "I must say, Camila, I'm very impressed with the work you've been doing, I know Taine would be too."

A small smile formed on Camila's lips, "I was the director for pack resources in my old pack. So I have a lot of experience with all of this." She gestured to the room.

" It's funny how fate is like that. Your mate isn't only someone who is perfect for you, but their life, their position is too. It just makes so much sense."

Camila looked down at the blank screen of her laptop. Of course Ivory didn't know how much weight that comment held. How difficult it was to believe in evil things like fate.

She tried to change the subject, but to her surprise, Ivory decided to push the topic further.

"Camila...I know he's tough to get through to sometimes. But he does care about you."

She wanted to scoff. Ivory hadn't been there that night when he unknowingly taunted her. Ivory hadn't been there any of the nights. Where the house was cold and lifeless, where her soul ached because of the loneliness, the distance. Yes, she was responsible for it some of the time but it took two to play the games that they played. Even though the more rational part of her brain considered them somewhat 'even' after her latest hospital visit...Caring for her? It was a far stretch.

Camila studied Ivory's eyes but found no signs of deceit in them. Ivory took her silence as an invitation to continue. It was very rare that Camila was lost for words.

"He has his reasons, but trust me, he isn't as cold hearted as he seems."

In Camila's mind, Taine and warmth were two incompatible words that didn't belong in the same thought.

But then again...

She thought of the gentle peaceful face she had seen in the hospital. The way he had caressed her when they kissed. Maybe there was something beneath the surface. Even still, something was holding him back. She could tell from the way he spoke to her to the way he touched her. Camila had been too wrapped up in concealing her own secrets that she didn't even think to recognize his.

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