Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

Camila felt her pen slip from her fingers. The soft glow of the lamp and the muted melodies coming from her headphones began to lull her to sleep. She heard someone clear their throat loudly. She ignored it.


She opened a sleep-deprived eyelid and saw Taine waiting by the door. She immediately sat up, took off her reading glasses and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. She quickly assessed his stance.

She was becoming very well versed in interpreting Taine's body language. Although she knew she'd never see him casual, slouched or lax, the werewolf who was now standing at the foot of her bed was as rigid as a brick wall. His feet were shoulder width apart with his hands clasped behind his back. Face tight and expressionless. 

She glanced at the time and grew suspicious. He had only been home for three hours and she was sure he would spend the remainder of the day holed up in his home office, away from her. Desperate for alone time after being away from work, smothered in a hospital and being stifled by conversation with his mate who he rarely spoke more than a few sentences to in a day. Plus she did reject his kisses...

She definitely thought a combination of those events would earn her some cold shoulder.

Deciding to play off his unconcealed rigidity she spoke before he did. "Whatever you've come here to yell at me for, I had nothing to do with it. It was all Ivory's fault." 

Camila's talent was making bad jokes at bad times. 

Taine looked surprised at her outburst. He had carefully planned this conversation and all the potential routes it could take (lots of thinking time in the hospital) but he didn't expect Camila to blurt something like that out.

He recovered from his surprise, "I'm not here to yell at you. Unless..."

Camila shook her head sending her curls into disarray. "No, no, I haven't done anything. You just look like a block of wood right now."

Taine looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face. She rolled her eyes and gestured to the ottoman next to her bed. "For fangs sake, just sit down and tell me what's up."


She interrupted him. "Taine." She said in an impressionistic deep voice.

He threw her an irritated look.

She laughed, "Okay sorry, sorry. Please continue."

"I want you to give me a chance."

He said the words with such determination and intention that Camila could only stare at him. She wanted him to elaborate and he didn't see the need to, but the look she was giving him commanded it.

"You have no reason not to." He said as if that simple fact alone was the only argument he needed. I let you use me as a werewolf punching bag, he wanted to add.

"A chance for you to do what exactly?"

Taine was uncomfortable, now. He wasn't good at saying things pertaining to actual emotion. He took a deep breath in and looked Camila in the eyes.

"A chance for me to love you. A real chance."


"How strong are the pain meds they are giving you? You're insane."

Taine just stood where he was. And glared at her. A look that evoked a feeling that was more familiar to her than the words he had uttered a few moments ago.

She had told him yes. Well, she had said fine. Fine, she would give him a chance to win her heart. Fine, she would try to let him in. Fine.

 Fine didn't mean 'take me I'm yours.' Fine did not by any means imply what Taine had barged in (for the second time that night) and demanded of her.

Camila's head was swirling. Today was the most she had ever had of Taine and it surely wasn't good for her now erratically beating heart. She had agreed to his proposal and sent him on his way. Back towards the other end of the house where he was far away so she could think about what she had just agreed to. And by think, she meant call Libby to tell her, everything.

He hadn't left her for more than forty minutes before he came barging in. Again.

"Oh do come in and make yourself at home. It's not like I was getting ready for bed or anything." Camila's words dripped with sarcasm.

Taine didn't apologize he just grunted in response.

She finished putting on her pyjamas and turned to him, crossing her arms.

His head was down, embarrassed that he'd seen her half dressed. She wanted to laugh but concealed it by clicking her fingers to get his attention. 

"You used to come in here to yell at me or to force me to eat or to give me more work to do... Now I honestly don't know what you're going to say."

"Come sleep with me tonight."

No formal invitation or pleading. He didn't even say it like a question. Just five bold words that Camila was not about to agree to."

What did Taine think? She was just going to jump into bed with him. The man had a broken rib and possibly a broken brain. He probably couldn't do anything even if he tried.

So she insulted his sanity because it was probably true. The likelihood of Taine overdosing on pain medication made more sense that what he had just said. 

She continued to shuffle her pillows around her bed. Pretending like Taine wasn't still standing there.

Eventually, she grew frustrated with is presence. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"Nice outfit."

She glanced down at her pyjamas that were filled with smiling pink sheep...or were they smirking...

"You know how wolves love sheep. An age-old pairing that is the stuff of fables. Good observation. Now goodnight Taine."

He didn't move.

She knew what the look in his eyes meant. She could practically hear him say, 'you said you'd give us a chance.'

"I'm not ready for that Taine. Piss off."

Realisation flashed through his eyes. "Mila, I didn't mean...that."

Camila glared at him again for good measure.

Oh, fuck it.

She grabbed her glasses and plastic retainer case before marching out of the room. Making sure to aggressively shoulder bump Taine as she did so. 

"You stay on your side of the bed and don't touch me or try anything other funny business or I'll give you another broken rib to match your left one and I'll eat snacks in your office. And I won't vacuum."

"You drive a hard bargain but okay."


YAY YA GIRL FINALLY UPLOADED! Next chapter up soon!

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