Chapter 42:

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I apologize for leaving you guys on such a long cliff-hanger! You know, global pandemic and all...I hope you guys are all doing well and keeping safe. If you ever want to talk please message me, I am always here for you. Okay let's goooo...

Chapter 42:

Camila felt every muscle in her body tense before a frigid feeling rippled through her. Her heart was beating fast yet she felt so cold.

Her first reaction was to assume it was a lie, but then as soon as he had uttered the words, the wheels had begun to turn in her mind and everything began to click into place.

Things had begun to make sense in a way they never had with Taine. The photo, the secretive visits, the way he would shut off when she asked about his family or his childhood.

"Explain." Was all she could manage to say. The room had begun to spin.

"Camila are you sure you don't want to lie down."

She closed her eyes again and took a deep breath. Her head felt light.

She tried getting up from the chair but her limbs had turned soft and pliable.

"When did you last eat Camila?"

She didn't answer.

Taine was concerned now, he tried to pick her up but she refused.

"Why?" She whispered.

She hadn't even realised she had started crying until she saw her tears fall onto Taine's hands. Shock replaced itself with emptiness. 

"Why did you lie?"

"Why did you make me fall in love with you?"

The words hung in the air. Heavy.

She had begun to sob.

She cried for her broken heart. She cried for her family. She cried for the lies, deceit and pain, but most of all she cried for the boy who lived his life in the shadow of a ghost


Hands were now clutching hers with a desperation that clawed at her heart. Hand's that now belonged to a different man.

"I can explain later, maybe you should rest Mila..."

Her closed eyes now snapped open and stared into his. "Now." She snarled.

Her expression remained unwavering while she studied his face. She looked deep into his eyes and saw for the first time saw, fear.

Not worry, irritation or coldness, but true fear. Unbridled and raw.

Camila thought she had known his fear when she had left, but now staring it in the face she realised that it wasn't even close.

Taine inhaled deeply and placed his head on her lap. It was the most submissive position a wolf could take, bearing its neck to another. An Alpha wouldn't usually dare.

He looked so helpless and fragile. Her heart panged.

Camila placed her hand on the space between his shoulder blades. She felt his back rise and fall. He closed his eyes and she saw the relief on his face just from her touch.

"My father had a lot of enemies."

Camila's mind flashed back to almost 17 years prior. Alpha Darian was a household name of terror. When she was younger, earlier than when her parents died a few members of the pack had led an assassination attempt on his life. None of them had returned... A few weeks later a rancid smelling package had arrived on her parent's doorstep. She never did figure out what it was, but she often thought back to that moment over the years and wished somehow they had succeeded. He had many enemies and that day she became one of them.

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