Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 :

An hour later Camila was in a battle against her tears. They threatened to flood the pack house. Everyone she loved was seeing them off, the fact that they were all standing there, for her, made her want to burst right there and then. She started from one end of people, overwhelmed by the attention.

Aunty Jae was first, she gave Camila a peck on the cheek and handed her five containers full of her favourite foods. She didn't know when her Aunt had the time to make a mountain of meals, but she sure as hell wasn't complaining. The containers were handed to Taine to be put in the car, but not before Aunty Jae, uncaring and unafraid, pulled him to the side and gave him a serious talking to. Laughing at the sight, Camila planned to ask him about this later.

A few of her friends had also come to farewell her. They hugged her and a few of them (few, being the females) tried to hug Taine but he made them very uncomfortable by responding to their open arms with an outstretched hand, not caring about how awkward it looked.

Libby had been crying since yesterday. Sammy wasn't sure how to deal with his crying mother so he did his best buy poking her cheek repeatedly. That made Camila laugh amidst the now free falling tears. She spread her arms across the three of them and squeezed. She didn't want to let go.

"Be a good boy for me, okay baby?"

"Okay, but Aunty Mila I want to come visit your house."

Taine ruined the moment by telling her the time."It's 9:15."

Libby and Mila shared a few more sweet words before she said bye to them one last time. Libby made Sam hand her a present, she looked touched.

After Jake did a special handshake with Camila, he hurridly fled the emotional scene. Taine could see he was obviously upset but too afraid to show his emotions. He knew what that was like. The Alpha pair engulfed Camila in a minute long hug and despite rejecting others, Luna Lizzie refused to give Taine anything less than a bone-crushing squeeze. She smiled at them both warmly. 

Camila tried to memorise their faces as they were now. Smiling so wide and their faces were wrinkled with laughter. Happiness shone from their eyes. She this probably reminded them of their own beginnings as Alpha's. Despite feeling so much love, Camila knew something was missing. 

 Much to Taine's irritation, a jogging Mason entered the scene.

He looked like he had just tumbled out of bed. "Thank God, I didn't miss you."

He didn't even glance at or greet anyone else, he simply threw his arms around a fridged Camila and stayed there. For too long. He held Camila tightly despite her reluctance to return the embrace. Everyone was watching. 

  Taine noted that the clock was approaching 9:30. They should have left by now.   

Luna Lizzie shared a worried look with Libby and then glanced apprehensively at Taine. She nudged her confused husband and nodded towards Mason, who was still too close for comfort. Alpha Hart cleared his throat.

"Okay Mason, let Mila get some air, her and Taine gotta get going."

Mason broke the half-embrace and stepped back to stand with Alpha Hart, not taking his eyes of Camila. 

"Alpha Alverio, I don't think you have met my son, Mason."

Mason finally broke his stare to finally acknowledge the presence of the other Alpha in the room. He looked him up and down, in a non-threatening way, before squaring up his stance and extending his hand.

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