Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

"We are going to go through the procedure one more time."

"No! We are not, you have drilled it into my head for the last week. I could not be more prepared."

Truth be told, Taine knew Mila would be more than fine at her official introduction into the pack. The constant reminders of the procedure was more a chance to talk to her. The tension between them had dissipated slightly and their daily conversation count had gone from five sentences to at least twelve. It was small steps, but it was progress none the less.

"Okay then tell me what happens after I introduce you?"

Camila rolled her eyes and picked at her fingernails. "Then I repeat the oath back to you, sign some forms, we both cut our hands and shake and then BAM. Done. We can party the rest of the night away."

By figuring something like this out together it strengthened their tenuous relationship.

 A small part of him was afraid of Camila's unpredictability. He remembered when she had first woken up in this house. Their first argument, she had thrown a tantrum that left literal cracks in the wall.

He looked at her.

Really looked.  The way she had her arms draped across the arm of the sofa, a magazine flipped open on the coffee table. He could see the small changes that had lead up to this bigger one. This was finally becoming a home rather than just a house. 

The presence of her was slowing making itself more known with each passing day. The music that played in the mornings and the way the curtains were always open, letting the sunshine seep in. The house-plant he had given up on was magically revived. He had preferred to dwell in the darkness but Camila had become his light.

Camila's sigh brought him back to reality. 

"Okay, fine and then what happens after-"


Camila was getting tired of the constant questioning, she was capable of remembering a few simple instructions, why did Taine keep harassing her about this?

"Look. I understand that you want everything to go well, but it seems like you don't think I am competent enough to remember what to do."

She didn't need his validation or approval, she knew she would be better than fine. That is why Camila chose to interpret the silence that followed her accusation as...contemplative rather than insulting.

 Months ago she would have seen it as indifference, she probably would have been hurt. Angered by the silence. But now she knew that although his face remained expressionless, he wasn't trying to be 'slow' or irritating, but rather he had just lost himself in deep oceans of thought. Waters she wished to immerse herself in. 

She closed her eyes and sunk into the softness of the couch. It was nice to have something to look forward to. It was nice to know she would now have the opportunity to lead. The presence of her wolf ran excited circles in her mind at the thought. She just hoped that Taine would be receptive and willing to let her take some control.

She thought of her mother and her father, their smiling faces. She wondered what they would think of her life now. Their smiles disapprovingly turned to frowns in her mind. What would they say when if they heard the name of the man whose roof she now slept under? The man whose heart was predetermined to be hers. 

She needed to forgive, but she feared there would always be a part of her that wanted to hurt this pack for its mistakes. It truly hit her at that moment. She was going to officially become a Luna. Of this pack. Fate had a twisted sense of humour.

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