Chapter 26

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Let me start off by saying, I'm sorry for not updating! I am managing to do this in the midst of exams, so I can't make any promises about the next update, but after I slug through this critical time, there will be chapters up much more regularly. 


Chapter 26:

Camila couldn't stop staring at the tangerine coloured lipstick on Jane's teeth. She unconconciously wiped her finger across her own insicors. She knew it was completely uncessary. She wasn't even wearing liptick. But it was partway through dinner and damn that lipstick was persistant. It was like a traffic cone. At least it was distracting enough to keep her from looking at Taine.

The conspicuous lipstick stain coupled with Jane's scary, beady eyes made everytime Jane asked her if she wanted "more potatoes or salad, or wine?" feel unsettling and just plain creepy.

Jane tried to monopolize most of Camila's time. She'd ask the most ridiculous questions. Questions Camila could only manage to answer with a monosyllabic word or two before Jane used them like catapults. Hurling the conversation into one where she could talk about herself. As much as she found hearing about Jane's new houseplant absolutely riveting, she was desperate to overhear what Adrian was saying to Taine.

"Yes Camila, you know I can really see his personality shining through these days. His leaves perk up so well when he's near the sun."

That's called photosynthesis Jane. 

Needless to say, Camila was trying to mentally block out her incessant chatter and visually trying not to burn her retinas by looking at that orange lipstick for too long.

Adrian periodically slapped Taine on the back and made inopportune jokes that she was itching to hear. The most surprising part of it all was that Taine was actually laughing at some of them. She hadn't even been able to penetrate his steely-gaze. She hadn't even been responsible for so much as a chuckle. 

After hearing one of these half-baked jokes, (about as underdone the potatoes) Camila could see that Taine was probably using all 7 of his brain cells to force himself into hysterics. Adrian lapped up every burst of laughter, it egged him on until he became red in the face with the sheer thrill of his own humour.

Sometimes you just had to play the game to please the people.

Adrian spoke in sharp spasms before he faded into wheezes of laughter. He rushed and stumbled over his words like if he didn't say them quickly or loudly enough they would kill him from the inside out. She could barely understand him, but Taine seemed to be having little to no trouble. Fake-ass wolf.

Apart from sensing a separation in the 'male side' and 'female side' of the table. Dinner was good. Camila enjoyed the lightly seasoned meat and avoided the potatoes like the starchy bricks they were. She selected fresh bread as her carb of choice for the evening.

The fifth guest at the table, Jane and Adrian's sweet fourteen-year-old granddaughter, was a silent participant of the meal. Camila could practically see the drool coming out of her mouth and let's just say it wasn't because of the food.

It was rather cute really. That this teenager was so besotted with the alpha. Camila watched the way she fluttered her eyelashes at him and barely blinked when he spoke. If only she knew what living with him was like. Better to let her keep existing in a fantasy. Life was easier that way.

When Adrian left to go get an ancient and expensive bottle of wine, Camila kicked Taine under the table. He ignored her. This time she put a little bit more power into it.

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