Chapter 40:

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Chapter 40:

"And he didn't even text you to explain who that random wolf was?!"

Camila threw her hands in the air, "no he didn't! I mean if you're going to cheat on me at least turn on caller ID!"

She laughed when she saw Liberty's heart rate monitor begin to beep rapidly.

"If it were Patrick, I'd skin him alive and use him as a fur throw rug...Mila, I know a guy."

Camila looked at her in horror. "Okay too far...But...Also has potential..."

There were few things in life that could beat an emotional unload with her best friend. She had deeply missed the feeling of knowing someone would understand her and have her best interests at heart no matter what. Like a true friend, Liberty would react even more outrageously and more emotionally than Camilla had when she heard the tale unfold.

"Look I'm real mad at the guy and you are too, but you said Mason said he didn't seem guilty on the phone, right?"

"That's what he implied but I still don't know the truth." She rubbed her temples in frustration, too many questions were running through her mind.

"Well, there's only one way to find out."

"Yes, I know. Trust me tomorrow Alpha Taine and I are going to be having a long dinner table discussion"

"Does he know you're coming home?"

"No," Camila said sheepishly. "I don't want to talk to him right now."

Camila knew the impact of final words. The way they replayed over and over in your mind until they were practically etched into your heart. Written in ink on your soul. The last words she said to her parents were the ones she would regret most for the entirety of her existence.

Complaining about the cold forest, fussing like a child would about being hungry and bored, not listening when her parents told her to stay in the underground safety chamber, not responding when they told her they loved her. For the last time...

"I'm angry and nothing good is ever said in anger so I think I'll just call ivory and get her to pass on the message." It was cowardly and petty but it was all she could bear to do in the situation."

Libby nodded her head and began to speak when the door to her room opened and two doctors walked in.

"Oh sorry!" She got out of her seat and said to Libby, "I'll wait outside." She walked past the two doctors.

It only took three more seconds for Camila to realise that they were not two doctors but a poorly disguised Mason and Jake. She looked at Libby incredulously behind their backs. They seemed to have sprayed their uniform with disinfectant to mask their scent. But Camila's nose was smarter than that. She couldn't help but notice the unmistakable scent of boys.

"What are they up to?" she mouthed.

"I don't know" Libby subtly mouthed back.

"Play along." Camila mouthed, before getting the attention of the two "doctors" who were making a big show of examining Libby's medical chart on the clipboard at the foot of her bed.

"Excuse me, doctors?"

"Yes," Jake said in his normal tone of voice. This received him a jab from mason.

"Uhm, yes, yes what can I do you for, ma'am?" He said, faking a much deeper tone.

"I'm just wondering if you have any update on Liberty's situation?"

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