Chapter 34:

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What-what-what, two chapters in one day?!!

Well, you see everyone. I have University exams in less than a month and ya girl knows that writing might not happen until after then. So, here's a double chapter and I'll see you most likely after my exams. Wish me Luck! (This was a super emotional chappie to write, enjoy)

Chapter 34:

Camila had a song blasting through her headphones. Even though she was a health hazard – dancing around the kitchen, singing waving a wooden spoon around, she was too lost in the song to care. It was the weekend; she had finished her work early and was in such a good mood that she had decided to make dinner for herself and Taine.

They had started having dinner together at least three nights a week. Even though they sometimes strained to make easy-going conversation and that she had to go to great lengths to make sure it was a paperwork-free zone – it was worth it. Especially now that she had started forcing Taine to cook. Which was a battle all on its own.

She was making one of his favourite dishes – at least she thought it was, if the way he cleaned off his plate with this fingers, was anything to go by.

Camila was almost settling into the swing of things. The white picket fence, suburbia of it all. It used to scare her; routine and the placidity of the known, but now she had started to stomach the idea of life here – a life as a Luna.

They understood each other better now. It was as if the cloud of dust that stung their eyes, scatched their throats and filled their air between them had settled. Even though Camila still clung to her pride and didn't give away parts of herself easily and despite the fact that Taine...well was still Taine, they had both begun to embrace life...and each other.

She was just about to empty half the contents of the jar of chilli flakes into the pot when she saw Taine in her peripheral vision. He was mouthing words to her looked as if he had been standing there for some time.

She let her headphones drop to her neck.

"You do realise that I can't hear you?"

Taine glared at her and continued, "as I was saying, I have to go out tonight. So I'll see you tomorrow."

Camila felt the contents of the spoon she was holding drip on the floor. She blinked twice.

"Oh...Where are you going?"

She tried to hide how disappointed she was.

Taine tried to be nonchalant and shrugged. "Just need to grease some elbows at a packmates house. Your presence isn't required."

Even though he must have meant it to relieve her, it only bothered her more.

"Have fun."

She turned around and continued to cook, thinking that she made her irritation clear. She felt Taine linger for a moment. He came behind her and kissed her temple. His lips felt rushed against her skin. Then, he was gone.

Camila felt like her tears made up for the lack of salt she used in the food. After Taine had left she half heartedly finished cooking and ate dinner straight out of the pot, by herself. She was in such a sour mood that the fact that she was home alone and wasn't wearing pants couldn't cheer her up.

She was more annoyed at herself than anything. Was this what it was like to have feelings for someone? She knew it wasn't a good idea. To be so easily swayed and influenced by the actions of another person. To let someone, ruin your home alone pant-less evening because of one sentence. Camila missed the days when she controlled and was responsible her own emotions. This love thing was too unpredictable and unreliable.

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