Chapter 10

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What happened next was a result of anger and adrenaline. Camila did things that night she never thought she would do. 

She tried to go around the table towards the door but Taine, just as angry - if not more, was blocking her way. She tried to dash around the other side but it didn't work. They stood there. A face-off, both breathing heavily with claws ready to swipe and teeth ready to bite... And Camila was the one that did. Bite, that is. She sunk her teeth into Taine's neck. Not enough to badly injure but enough to cause significant pain. Then she bolted for the door, ditching the heels she ran into the night. She tasted his blood and it was satisfying.

Trying to run while also trying to preserve one of her favourite dresses was proving to be difficult. Managing to throw the scrunched up ball of red lace into the leaves of a tree she prayed it would stay in good condition. It was hopeful and stupid but there was no time for thoughts that slowed her down. She heard menacing growls as Taine chased her into the woods but his footsteps were growing fainter and the crunch of leaves became a distant tread. She stole a glance at the moon in her haste. It was full, meaning emotions, tension and angst were on high tonight, but it also meant speed. Climbing into one of the tallest densest trees she could find she lay crouched and waiting.

She waited. Camila tried to slow her breathing, she could bearly hear over the adrenalin pumping through her veins and the windstorm in her lungs. The smell of sweat and soil kept her company in the canopy of green. She waited longer. Just when she was ready to let her guard down she heard footsteps approach.

"I CAN SENSE YOU. DON'T TRY TO HIDE." He walked through the trees and stopped at the one next to her hiding place.

It was an imperceptible movement but she saw the corner of his mouth lift. He knew where she was, but she still had a few bursts of stamina left in her. In as quick of a movement as she could manage, she leapt down from the bough and before he could turn around to see her practically naked, she had thrown her phone at his face. Instant regret. And then she bolted in the opposite direction.

Knowing she didn't have as much of a head start this time, she ran back to where she left her dress and slipped it on hastily. She wasn't sure what to do next. It was too late for rational thought. All she knew is that she needed to run, somewhere, anywhere. Just away. Camila did not want to think about how much trouble she was getting herself into. The consequences could be dealt with later. Right now it was all about the chase.

She sprinted diagonally to the boundary walls of the packhouse, only now feeling the effects of the exertion. Just before she could reach the wall, to sit and rest, she felt a force knock into her a thousand miles a minute. Her body flew into the air. The wall very kindly and painfully broke her fall. She slammed the back of her head and body before screaming in pain and sinking down to the wet grass. She felt something, or someone grab her arm. Not understanding where all her strength came from, she continued kicking and screaming until eventually, the darkness took her as its prisoner and evidently so did Taine.


Thanks for reading! (next chapter will be back in the present :)

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