Chapter 24

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Okay so before I start, let me just say that I can't believe that this book has hit 1k reads! (its actually 1001, which is pretty funny) 

Thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me. 

Don't forget to check out my other book if you have a chance :)


Chapter 24:

Camila callously dropped the levelled spoon of sugar into her coffee. Her poor job of blending the two became obvious when pockets of sweet kissed her tongue followed by sips of bitter. She closed her eyes and they locked shut, refusing to open when she willed them to.

The fatigue was pleasant. It was nice to feel tired after a long week of work. Even if Taine made her feel like a nuisance most of the time, she knew she was relieving some pressure from him. The air around him was less tense... Her only resentment was that she hadn't started sooner.

Doing work helped her pass time. It helped her feel part of something bigger than herself.

She noticed the small changes. The way Taine seemed to wake up later in the mornings on the off chance that they could walk together. The way his gaze lingered on her when she entered and left the room, even if he had ignored her in the time between those two points. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, a seed of respect and appreciation had been planted and the more she got used to her life here, the more it blossomed.

She had become accustomed to going to the pack house so much that she couldn't stand being alone in this one. The role of Luna meant interacting with the pack more than anticipated and the pack was very eager to be with her. Meaning that she was constantly busy.

Once Taine realised she wasn't going anywhere. Her days mostly consisted of mundane paperwork and organisational tasks. The work wasn't challenging enough for her, but it was better than what Taine had subjected her to before and it was much better than being at home. She needed to show Taine and Ivory that she had a good work ethic before she let herself be bombarded with more gruelling activities.


Affording herself the simple pleasure of a late start, she made an appearance in Taine's office around 10 o 'clock.

She had walked in without knocking, earning a look of slight irritation from Taine who gestured to Ivory who was on the phone.

Raising her hands up in mock surrender, she mouthed a sorry before taking her designated seat on the couch.

An hour later, immersed in the spreadsheet she was making she heard Taine growl in her direction. She looked at him confused. Why was he constantly finding reasons to be angry with her?


His glare reached more intimidating heights.

"Stop humming. It's irritating."

Camila held back a smile and bit her lip. She hadn't even realised she was doing it.

"Sorry....Don't worry I'll sing next time."

Nobody laughed at her joke. 


Ivory broke the fragile silence that had settled between the trio, with an insightful comment. "I think Camila should get her own office. It might ease the tension in the room."

Camila beamed at Ivory, only processing the first part of the statement. "That's an awesome idea."

"She can share with you," Taine said dismissively.

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