Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

He quickly masked his anger and completely ignored her for the first five minutes of dinner. Alpha Hart, Beta Smith, and Jake all rose from their seats to meet them. Only Lizzie seemed to know what actually was going on. Camila felt a flash of anger, that this was a  planned ambush. 

Alpha Hart unknowingly questioned Camila's guarded and slightly angry body language. "Camila aren't you going to greet our guest for the evening." He commanded her with a look. She couldn't ignore the forcefulness in his eyes. She stood up and smoothed her dress out.

Forcing a smile she walked over to Taine but stood at a distance. She stuck out her hand. Sweet like honey she said, "Hello Alpha Averio."

He looked searchingly into her eyes his eyes flicked to her hand. Back to her face, the anger was returning. He didn't grab her hand. He just left her standing there. He just turned to take his seat at the table. All the other dinner guests sensed the tension but didn't say anything.

She avoided eye contact or conversation of any kind during the first course of dinner. Jake who was next to her, kept kicking her, silently asking what her problem was.

Alpha Hart deciding to inadvertently pull the trigger asked the ultimate question. "So Alpha Averio, we are so happy to have you share a meal with us tonight, but I must ask, what brings you to our neck of the woods?"

Camila finally looked up at her mate, but not before sharing a look with Luna Hart. She found that he was looking directly at her.

He turned back to Alpha Hart. "Well Matthew, I am visiting under unusual circumstances. I won't bore you with the details but I have lost something of mine and I was hoping you could help me find it."

"We'll try and help as best as we can."Alpha Hart was slightly confused. "But what exactly have you lost?"

"My mate." Silence.

"Oh no, that's terrible, isn't it Liz? I don't recall any new pack members or any female werewolves passing through though. Does she know you are looking for her?"

Alpha Hart obviously didn't know what was going on, neither could he see the daggers that Lizzie and Camila were both staring at him with.

Taine remained emotionless. "Oh yes, she knows. She's a problematic woman it seems."

Camila started choking on her food. She tried to maintain her spluttering so she wouldn't draw attention to herself. Taine paused his speaking momentarily. He noticed her obvious discomfort and decided to keep going. His eyes bored into her.

"She actually decided to run away from me... I don't know if she was a coward or just weak and selfish."

Camila threw her cutlery down and stood up, leaning over the table. Her teeth were bared and a low growl emitted from the back of her throat. Both her and her wolf did not like the way he was speaking about her. She felt hairs rising on her arms and neck. Usually even-tempered, she was now bubbling with rage.

Taine didn't react well to her growl and mirrored her pose. He was trying to put her in her place, force her into submission. She was not having it. She wasn't aware of what anyone else at the table was saying to her. She vaguely recalled Luna Hart trying to mediate the situation, but her cries fell on deaf ears.

"What do you want? You came all the way here to talk to me? So talk."

She could feel his anger fill the room. "I am here to take you back. I gave you your chance you insolent wolf. We are leaving now!"

"Over my dead body, I'm coming with you. I'd like to see you try and take me anywhere near your pack."

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