Chapter 39:

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Camila practically bolted through the doors of the hospital. The sliding glass opened too slowly. The twenty-second elevator wait was torture. 

She was painfully aware of the fluorescent lights, yet the darkness of the ascending box. Painfully aware of the ticking time. And painfully aware that she looked and smelt atrocious. She forced herself not to look in the mirror of the elevator but couldn't escape the smell of the old tee, the sweat on her skin and the taste in her mouth. But none of it mattered. Her best friend was awake.

Trying to re-direct her anger from Mason for meddling and channelling it into feelings of joy, she raced through the hallway and didn't bother knocking before opening the door to Liberty's room. Due to her acute sense of hearing and the general loudness of her friend, she had heard her before she had entered the room. The sound of her voice stilled something within her heart.

Stepping through the door her eyes flickered across the room. Her brain processed the newborn in the cot. Patrick trying to calm Sammy who was jumping on the bed and then finally the tired but smiling face of her best friend.

"What took you so long Bitch!"

Patrick glared at Liberty amidst laughter while simultaneously Sammy squealed, "Mommy said a bad word!"

"We're wolves, Pat. What do you expect?"

Before Camila could launch herself into Liberty's embrace Patrick scooped up Sammy in his arms and started walking towards the door. With a wink in her direction,  he said, "Let's give the girls some alone time Sam."

Camila felt tears pricking her eyes as she stepped closer to Liberty and hugged her from above her hospital bed.

"You have no idea, how glad I am to see you, Lib."

Even though she was probably in unimaginable pain she smiled. "Me too Mila."

"How are you feeling?"

"Grateful. Utterly and entirely grateful to be alive and breathing." She said this with such humility that it made Camila's eyes well with tears.

"I'm grateful for you Mila. Pat told me how you've been a rock for everyone. I've kept you from your pack for so long, I-"

Just as Camila was about to chastise Liberty for being absolutely ridiculous, her sleeping god-daughter had started to wail.

Camila picked up the swaddled bundle and tried to shush her to no avail. She looked at Libby in dismay.

"She's a loud one. Takes after you."

Libby began to laugh but stopped herself, wincing in pain.

Camila tried rocking the screaming child back and forth but the screaming only worsened.

Libby stretched out her arms. "Let me take her."

Camila hesitated. "Are you sure Lib?"

Liberty rolled her eyes tiredly. "I'm so sick of everyone treating me like I'm made of glass. She's my daughter for wolfs-sake."

With no further protest, Camila gently placed her in Libertys arms. After a kiss and a few gentle whispers, the crying ceased and a peaceful silence settled over the room.

"Baby-girl just needed her momma."

"Sorry Lib, I just don't want you to overdo it."

She pulled her daughter closer to her chest. "I know, of course I know. It's just frustrating when everyone is constantly watching, waiting to see if I'll break...But still, I shouldn't have snapped."

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