Chapter 38:

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"Hello?" He answered the phone, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was far too late for Camila to be calling...

"Hey, man...It's Mason." 

Three overwhelming feelings crashed over Taine's body like waves in high tide. The first was a momentary shock, followed by pure irritation that made his heart race and his jaw clench...And then lastly, worry.

"Is she okay?"

"Oh, yeah Mila is fine, don't worry. She's right here actually, she's out like a light...on the er, living room couch..."

Taine could detect the hint of nervousness in his voice but decided not to push it any further.

"Why did you call?" He didn't have time for small talk, especially with Mason.

"I called because you need to need to pull your head out of your ass."

"Excuse me?" Taine was seething.

"I don't think you realise, but you've really upset her. And even though she doesn't like to tell us things that are too personal...Last night something inside her seemed broken...and I know its none of my business –"

"It isn't," Taine said bluntly. His heart panged when he thought of her sadness, but he didn't think that what went on between mates was anyone else's business. 

"Let me finish." Mason responded, equally as forthright."

Mason let Taine's silence be an invitation to continue.

"I know its none of my business and while you aren't exactly my favourite person, I realised that Camila loves you. I realised she's actually in love with you and I'll do anything to make sure she's happy, so that's why I'm calling.

There was silence on the other end of the call.

"I don't care what you do in your personal time, but your actions don't just affect you anymore. You can't keep hurting her."

"I don't need you lecturing me about how to treat my mate." 

Mason winced, realising he touched a nerve.

"All I'm asking is, do you love her?

More than anything, Taine thought to himself.

"Because if you do, you can't cheat on her. You just can't. Because you're going to lose her...and you and I both know she's too great of a girl to lose."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He was confused before but now Taine had a suspicion of what Mason was referring to...but he needed to confirm it.

"Then was Mila mistaken when she a girl answered your phone last night?" He could sense Mason getting angry at his accusation.

"Even though I don't owe you an explanation, I would never cheat on her."

"And you love her?"

"I do."

There was a momentary silence as Mason processed the information.

"I believe you. Against my better judgment, I think you're telling the truth...But man, if you love her you gotta tell her. And you may not owe me an explanation, but you owe her one...And if I find out you're lying Taine then I won't hesitate to beat your ass."

"That won't be necessary." Taine snarled.

"Yeah for your sake I hope not...Listen, I gotta go, but I'm not going to tell Mila anything, she needs to hear it all from you."

"Fine by me."

Mason cleared his throat, knowing what he was about to say might crossing the line even further. "Look we're the closest thing to a family she has, and because you came and took her we ever got a chance to talk about it, but her parents aren't around anymore...So I need you to promise me, as her new family that you'll do everything you can to make her happy and that always be honest."

"I'll try." Taine would try to keep her happy, but he believed that sometimes keeping the truth from her was what he needed to do to ensure her happiness...

"Good to hear. Bye Taine."

Taine cut the call and went to bed. 


Okay, I can't believe how long it has been since I updated! 

Hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe amidst these crazy times. I am updating two chapters now so, enjoy!

- Jasmine 

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