Holy Abs

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

My jaw dropped

He was the soon to be Alpha of the Mawaiian Pack.

I've only heard rumors about them

How they trained in the water, and raced down erupting volcanoes.

They are the most skilled and tactical pack ever.

Their females and males are trained fighters.

Everything in their pack is strategized.

They have four different types of fighters:

The trackers

The snipers

The wolves

The samurais

Many tried to copy their route but no one can master it like them, they just were copycats with no success.

Getting myself out of my daze, I gazed at Rhy,

Then it suddenly dawned on me

With a questionable expression on my face I said "you're not even tan, isn't that illegal in Hawaii?

He let out a roar of laughter, and just placed his head on the steering wheel trying to calm down.

After he sobered up he pinched my cheek and just continued driving.

We got to the airport, after some slapping on my part I finally got a snoring Sammy awake.

When we got to the airport, Rhy lead us to an office.

He knocked and out came a security guard.

The tall, Caucasian ball headed man had a "don't mess with me look". His unibrow brought out his big brown eyes.

He shook his mustache before he said with gruffness

Rhy looked back meeting his ocean blue eyes with his, all the while his hands are locked with mine "Ryder Fallon"

Rhy's whole demeanor screamed professional
And intimidating.

The guard looked as if he just woke, he stood up straighter and started to fix his hat.

He brought one hand toward Rhy begging for handshake

"What an honor to meet you sir, we were told you were coming" Rhy didn't bother shaking his hand. The man then brought his shaking hand into his pocket and took out three black cards, and handed them to Rhy.

"Sir, all you have to do is give this to the head security and they well lead you to your flight, no passport or ticket necessary."

All the cards have silver barcodes and nothing else.

I fell asleep the whole plane ride on Sammy,s shoulder.

The flight went fast since I was sleeping.

Sammy woke me up by moving her shoulder away from my head.

How pleasant.

Right when we stepped out of the airport there was a sleek burgundy Bugatti and beside it were three bulky young men wearing black sunglasses and black suits. They all were brunettes with nice lean muscular structures going on.

They were laughing, and talking until their eyes were
placed on Rhy.

They immediately straightened up, and saluted.

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