On the run

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)
I woke up in a jolt, and sat straight up.

My body was covered with sweat.

Was that a dream??

But it felt so real

I took my covers off my body

I was wearing my thigh length plaid, shirt-the one I was wearing yesterday, - three buttons were undone though.

I looked at my legs to see I was no longer wearing my leggings.


I raised my shirt to see I was wearing the pajama shorts Sammy gave me on my birthday as a joke because she said I always dress like a prude.

I touched my pajama short and sighed in relief, I'm still wearing underwear.

Thank god.

That's when I notice,

The music in the background, and the ground moving beneath me.

I quickly take in my surroundings to see that I'm in the backseat of my dad's escalade-my fluffy cover seat I had there being a dead give away- I look at the driver seat to see Ry driving while

He gives me a quick glance, and with a determined face he said
"Doe eyes, I need you to breathe and close your eyes for a sec"

So I did

"After I bit you, you passed out, I panicked and my wolf gave me my control back in time to notice the screams and fighting in the background"

He paused

"Wait that wasn't a dream?" I said wide eyes and touched my neck to feel that it was still sensitive from the bite.

"So I went into action, since I marked you, you became my first priority"

I huffed in anger "what are you talking about Rhy, they were just playing around"

Thats when he parked the van on the side of the highway, and came to the back seat where I was. I scooted away, he came closer and held my hands while caressing them with one thumb and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I know what I did was wrong, and you've got to believe me, my wolf did it not me,"

That scared me

"What are you talking about Rhy, what did you do?" I said while looking at him with worried eyes.

"I'm sorry for marking you like that, but now all we got is eachother, okay"

"Wait, what?"

"I want you to stop hating me, you know I didn't have any control at that moment, you saw my eyes"

I closed my eyes for a second and realized he was right.

Not only was being a red eyed wolf rare, it was the strongest of all wolves.

If it has an urge, you can't control it no matter what.

If it wants something, it takes it.

If it wants to do something it does it.

Your human urges multiply by a thousand when your eyes are red, and nothing can stop you,

Not even yourself.

I looked at him defeated, a tear falling down from my left eye.

I blinked the rest away and softly nodded, while rubbing his thumb with mine.

He looked up at me, and wiped the tear away by leaving a kiss on my cheek. Fire erupting at the contact.

Being the Red eyed wolf was the most difficult thing to be, and as his mate I needed to be there for him.

I can't believe I am saying that, but he needs me.

But I wasn't expecting what he said afterwards.

I wish I didn't ask.

With dread and curiosity, I asked "so why are we in my dad's escalade?"

He gulped and looked down

"Rhy, you're scaring me".

He took a big breathe, while holding both of my hands.

"Doe eyes, your friends stopped screaming, that's when I felt hundreds of footsteps, just in the house alone. I looked outside your window while you were in my arms to see an army heading toward your house while there was already a good amount in there. I was about to open the door, when Sammy screamed 'Leils run, theyre hear, everyone is falling asleep, they have sleeping gas' ".

I looked at him in shock

I quickly got us out of the house by jumping while you were in my arms.

"Sammy" I said while choking down a sob.

"I placed you on the ground then and told her to jump, doe eyes she's on the last backseat"

I sighed in relief, at least someone was okay.

I looked at the backseat to see she was sleeping soundly.

"I couldn't save anyone else, they put everyone in the training camp to sleep first, then headed toward us"

"How did you get the car without any if them seeing you"

"One I of the guys came toward me, I snapped his neck before he can call for back, too his uniform and mask. They didn't suspect a thing".

"I placed you too in the back of the house, and went inside the kitchen to get the keys. Every rogue had someone on their shoulder. I couldn't get anyone else out without them suspecting anything".

He looked down on the ground.

"What are we going to do"

"They were looking at every girl's face while they had a picture of you in their phones"

He looked me in the eyes with rage "they wanted you, but I want their blood"

"And doe eyes, I'm going to get it" his eyes going from his infamous blue eyes, to slowly molding from orange to

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! Love you all, think of this as my gift to you❤️❤️❤️❤️.

I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you all eat so much you get into a food coma🍗

Enjoy this thankful day with your loved ones everyone🙊🙉🙈🐒.

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