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My neck was tilted,
Rhy was looking at me with wide eyes full of surprise.

It's been two months since Rhy has been courting me, and he's been nothing but a gentleman. He was definitely not the bad boy I thought he was. He was a natural leader, exuded confidence and always fought for what he wanted. He was also extremely caring, affectionate and one of the few who get my humor.
So here I am, in his dorm, sitting on his bed with my neck tilted.
He was packing, and getting ready to leave and I just barged in without a word and sat down.
"Doe eyes, are you sure?"
I look at him and that's all it takes.
His strong arms take my waist, and he pulls me up in the air and places me on his lap.
He brings his mouths to my neck, and leaves a small kiss there.
He brings his hand and glides it down my neck, and brings it back to my waist.
"Doe eyes I love you"
My eyes start to water
"Rhy, my red wolf, I love you too"
His eyes went a little red and he bit down,
Earning a gasp from me.
His arms criss crossed on my back to support me, while my chest was heaving against his, my hands grasping his hair.
Two years later
"Luna Laila the only part of my body I want strong, is my thumbs from texting"
"Luna hot stuff, can you do a push up"
"Don't do it Luna Laila he just wants to look down your shirt!"
I started laughing, twelve year olds will be the death of me.
It's summer time again, so Rhy and I decided to fly back to Cali and help my dad with the training camp. Sam and Adam are now fully mated and back in Hawaii. Sam is the pack nurse(I fear for their lives) and loves it. She occasionally makes us all watch Black widow and she wears her suit while sticking her butt out and showing her spikes. One time she forgot she had her suit on and sat on Adam's lap.

Poor guy

Nick and Jasmine are mated now too. He was such a gentleman to her, and helped her cope through everything that happened when they were held hostage.
Ben & Selena are together believe it or not. Don't ask me how, Im guessing in some odd way they found each other compatible.
Rhy and I, well...
We're now officially mated, and I'm officially a Luna.
But that doesn't mean these little pervs will stop hitting on me. Heck, they'll hit on anything with boobs.
Even man boobs

Uhhh, those pubescent creeps

"One more word, and you will all do my obstacle twice, do your hear me?"

Everyone got into position, and said perfectly together "Ma'am yes ma'am!"
That's much better.
"Hit the showers, you're done for the day"

Those Kids will be the death of me.

I decided to go to Rhy's class where he was training the Alpha's that were on there second to last year. Its amazing, that two years ago he was training here, and now he's a trainer. My dad decided to allow him to since when my dad decides to retire this will be mine and Rhy's. But I'm sure that will be for a while, my dad loves this place.

Ray was standing there out in the field, and watching the guys wrestle, so I decided to go behind him and cover his eyes.

He gave out a little laugh, and placed his hands on mine.

"Doe eyes,  you know I can sense when you're coming 500 feet away, and I can feel your beautiful round belly on my back."
I gently laughed and brought my lips to kiss his neck, he turned around.
"Can you believe in one month were going to be parents?" I asked him wondering how we got here.
"I can't, it feels like yesterday when I was trying to catch you when you tricked me" his eyes full of humor as if replaying the memory.
I placed my hands around his neck and kissed his nose "You caught me, didn't you though?"
He wrapped an arm around my hips
"Hell yes I did doe eyes, and now you're all mine" He then placed his lips on mine.
I guess he couldn't just let me be, but I'm glad he didn't.

~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~

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