Strawberries & Viva La Juicy

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

I let go of his lips, only to put my head on his chest.

I was exhausted.

Mentally& emotionally.

That just made me fall into a quick sleep right onto his chest.

Warmth was all around my body, making it hard for me to open my eyes and wake up, I just want to stay in my warm bed, where ever I am.

All of a sudden, I realized my pillow had a heartbeat. The rhythm hypnotizing my eyes to close, but my mind was on full alert, curious to know who this heart beat owned to. I opened my eyes to see tan skin with ripples on them, it was clear as day that it's an eight pack, no denying that. Each pack nicely defined and accentuated onto his delightful body, as if they were small hills on a landscape.

I can look at them all day and night.

All of a sudden, I noticed the beautiful chest to grumble, and his arms to move.

I looked down to my mouth, and noticed my mouth was open and I drooled a little on him making him move.

Oooops. Stupid hormones, why couldn't you let me watch this beauty in peace?

Wait a second.

This is a human body, a male to be exact. That's for sure, otherwise, I think this lady should lay off the testosterone and steroids.

I tilted my head, looked at a sleeping Ry. His face content, with a smile on his luscious full rosy watermelon lips. His arm was protectively swirled around my waist, while my whole body was on top of his. His large muscled legs capturing my legs in between them.

I sighed in content.

Woah, this is weird.

I don't sigh over a guy.

I certainly do not sleep on top of them either. Wait a second, that sounds dirty, and based on the novels I've read wouldn't I be on the bo--, ahh never mind.

Let's change the subject here.

Let's just stare at these nice pretty meadows.


Get a hold of yourself!

I abruptly tried to get up from his body, only to not move an inch.

Damn his arms, they're holding me for dear life.

I slowly moved and inch down, then stopped. After two minutes, I moved another inch down.

Ok, this looks like it'll take a long time.

Plan B activated.

I took one of his arms that were around my waist, and unlatched myself, and did the same with the other.

Then, I just scooted my legs out of his intertwined legs.

Then I got off my bed and headed toward my closet to get clothes, and a towel.

Time to take a yummy shower.

I closed the door, and locked the door. I even tested to see if I locked it correctly.

I plugged my iPod into my speakers and turned on my favorite bath music.

Then, I stripped off my clothes.

This was a stressful week, which only means one thing.

A hot long bubble bath with Epsom salt, then a shower.


I got my bubble bath ready and stepped right into the perfectly warm strawberry smelling water, with two sprays of viva la juicy.

My favorite combo.

Instantly I moaned right when my back made contact with the water.

It just felt so right.

I rested my head onto the tip of the bath and closed my eyes.


Thump, thump, thump

"Leila open the damn door now or I'll break it down!"


I instantly opened my eyes and sat up straight.

Oh shoot I fell asleep in the water.

Nice going Leils!

I got up and turned off my speaker.

"I'm fine, I just fell as-"

All of a sudden the door came off it's hinges, and I got the nearest towel and used it to sheild my body.

The door cracked in two and fell straight on the ground, in it's place was a furious Rhy. His shoulders and chest moving up and down, his fists clenched, and face red, his eyes ready to pop out.


I didn't say anything, too in shock to do so.

His eyes instantly fell on me, and his eyebrows furrowed while he came marching towards me.

He stopped right when he was in front of me. Only an inch of space separating us.

He just stood there, breathing heavily, and his body stiffened.

I made sure the towel was wrapped around me, then I placed my arms around his shoulders and hugged him.

"Shhh, hey, hey, I'm right here. I'm going no where okay?"

Instantly his body relaxed and his arms were around me, and instantly picking me up.

Luckily for me, we were right by the table where I placed my clothes. I quickly snatched my underwear and quickly unlatched my arms from his shoulders and put my underwear on. It was easy since my legs weren't on the ground.

I then placed my legs around his hips, and massaging his hair while he walked us towards the bed.

He just sat on the bed while I was I. His lap.

We stayed like that for God knows how long.

All of a sudden, I felt his canines on the crook of my neck, slowly grazing it. My head went up, and my eyes went wide.

And in that quick second, I made my decision. I moved my head toward the left, giving him more access.

His head went straight up, and his eyes went straight toward mine.

I just closed my eyes.

After a minute, I felt his canines go back in place, Ready.

"Sweetheart, where are you? I'm going out of town, and I want to see you before I leave!" My dad's rough voice sweetly screamed from downstairs.

In oh so perfect timing,


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Whatcha think?!?
That was close right?!?

Since I love you guys so much, I'll try to update soon!

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