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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

One by one plates came at us as we filled it with pounds of eggs, sausages and toast. And with each plate came a hit on.

"Hey beautiful, how you doing"

"Damn you too fine"

"Can you add your number with those eggs"

"I don't want these kind of eggs, I want yours, want to be Mrs James, eh"?

My reply was like a mantra as each of them came " I do not speak to filth, I do not like filth" while I did not even spare them a glance.

The hit ons were endless. I glanced at my friends and noticed they were getting the same treatment, only they were actually flirting back and acknowledging them.

Plates were coming one at a time, along with a very hungry obnoxious male with it.

As I was waiting to put eggs on the next plate, I noticed the plate wasn't moving.

Hmm, that's weird. Why isn't he moving?? He already has enough eggs to feed a village. What else does he want? I waited and waited and it just stood there.

I huffed and said "please move. You're holding up the line."

Silence, nada, nothing

I finally looked up slowly, I noticed two muscular clenched hands holding the plate and slowly looked upward as I made contacted with a perfectly sculpted chest covered in a black t shirt which accentuated his collar bone and bicep. As I made my way up to his face, I wish I never did. He had the most perfect chiseled jaw with plump lips; blue eyes that we're deeper than the ocean, and glistened like a starry night, if possible they were accentuated much more due to his creamy luscious porcelain skin. On top of his gorgeous head was black as night hair that was perfectly tussled but neat.

Oh boy, he was good looking

This is not good

"Do you want some more eggs, is that why" I asked, not waiting for a response "oh okay here you go, thank you come again".

If only it was that easy

I looked into his eyes, careful not to get lost in them and said "please, why aren't you moving?"

He chuckled "why should I?"

"Because you're holding up the line" I said with a smile careful not to piss him off and hold a professional stature.

"You're just too beautiful to pass by, and not make mine"

My jaw dropped at the forwardness

He smiled "what's your name?"

Sensing the power raging within him, I said a name knowing he would do anything to get one.

"Cassidy" I said shyly

He nodded and then held out one finger "one sec" he went to a random table and walked up to one of the guys sitting there. Adonis brought his hand out in front of the guy, and the dude quickly placed a paper and a pen in his hand. Adonis then came back in front of me.

"Cassidy" he said As he wrote it down.

"Ok, number?"



"674 palmier road, Palm Springs, not so far from here like fifteen minutes"

"Hmm, good thing I brought my car" he said as triumphantly with a smile

I smiled " yeah, good thing"

"Thanx Cassidy, I'll be seeing you tonight at 6:00, wear something black and sexy, alright?"

I stuttered for effect, then giggled "oh oh okay"

He smirked "see you then babe" then he finally walked off.

When he was finally away, the next guy approached me "so it's Cassidy, right, and your phone number is-"

"310-654-2316" i said with a smile, cutting him off

"You know Cassidy, I thought it would have been harder to get your number, not that I'm complaining"

I shrugged my shoulders and said " hmf, I guess I just don't want this strong front anymore"

"I'm glad" said the beach blonde

"I'm max"

Max had tan skin with chiseled features giving him a strong yet playful look. He was built, but it gave him that surfer look.

"Nice to meet you, but you're holding up the line"

"I'll call you soon Cassidy"

"Alright max, ba bye now."


"Wow that was hectic" Amelia said

"He'll yeah it was" Anelle joined

Brunch was over and we were cleaning up the cafeteria

"Did you girls get any numbers?"
Samantha said while putting plates, napkins and other junk the boys just left on the tables.

Samantha and I are doing this, while jasmin and Amelia wiped the tables clean and Anelle was brooming.

Jasmin huffs to herself "These boys are too dirty, apparently no one taught them how to clean up after themselves".

" I got four and gave my number to three"

"Wait a sec, did you guys notice when all the guys just randomly took out their phones?? What was that all about?"
Anelle said as she was brooming.

"Let's just say Cassidy is going to be getting a lot of phone calls today" Samantha said while smirking and glancing at me.

"Hey, don't forget she has a date at six too" I chimed

"Leila, What Did You do" Anelle said in between laughs

"Let's just say we're going to have a really disappointed alpha barging in the cafeteria tomorrow, just be glad that we don't serve lunch Leila" Samantha said.

I then started dying of laughter as I remembered " We won't be serving brunch, but Cassidy will be!"

Cassidy was this pompous 🙊🙉🙈🙊 in my high school. At summer break she would help out at the training camp because she was just so kind, just kidding, it's for the 500 adonises that came from all around the world just to be trained by the best.

Cassidy kept herself all mighty and high, therefore we always clashed. She would do anything for a guy while I wouldn't. She dresses to catch their eye while I don't. She's girly and flirty while I'm not.

She has a date with a soon to be pissed off alpha, while I don't.

---Third chapter, ahhh! It's going to get juicy!

Vote away my loves, anyone who votes I will personally(via message) thank them. It means a lot!

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