Daddys girl

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

Ever since I was a kid, my daddy was my everything.

I did everything to make him proud. I started training with my dad at the age of six, and played every sport he liked.

I would finish my homework ahead of time just so I can show it to him and see him smile like a Cheshire Cat. His smile was my everything, and still is.

At the age of thirteen, all the girls began to date, except for me. Why? Because my daddy didn't like dating, he taught me to wait until I am ready to mate. I already knew I was going to mate with whoever my dad approved of.

It wasn't like I would run the other way when I saw a boy, I would talk to them, and be normal, but if they would ask me out, I would reject.

Being friends with guys was no problem until I turned sixteen, that's when my features became much more enhanced, my lips became redder, and my eyes were more pronounced.

I also found out that working in a training camp that consists of only men, is like being one frappuccino around 600 teenage girls.


I've learnt to just keep my head down, along with other tactics that may or may not harm them.

I have one male friend, Nick, who is also the alpha of the nearest pack. My family is not really included in a pack, and am not considered a rogue because of my father. He is the trainer of all alphas, therefore would never bow down to any of his students. Which makes us excluded.

But we do hang around the pack sometimes whenever they have celebrations, or need any help from my dad.

My family gets a great amount of money because of the training camp. But it only consists of the summer, and my dad is not one of those people to just sit at the house. He uses the money he gets to buy businesses, and has made a franchise chain.

I just graduated from high school and was the valedictorian. Now, I'm going to help my dad with the franchise, and the camp, I don't need anything else.

It's safe to say, I love my daddy

When I got to my house, daddy was wearing his favorite black Armani suit, watering the lawn while humming.

That suit only means one thing, we're going to a five star restaurant.

"Princess, are you ready?"

"Yes daddy"

"Alright, where would you like to go?" He said after he kissed my cheek.

"On second thought princess, I just recently bought Gary danko, it's only fifteen minutes away, the dress code is formal, and I invited the 8 alphas who are finishing training this summer along with nick, is that alright princess?"

I pouted "I guess that's fine, can I invite Sammy?"

"Of course, now get ready love"

I mind linked Sammy, and found out she can't make it since her butt still hurts because of the thorns.

Clutsy, dimwitted wimp

I took my hair out of a pony tail, letting the curls bounce. I straightened the top of my hair to maintain the frizz, but didn't straighten my curls. I spayed a finishing spray on my hair.

That's when I remembered I have to wear makeup.


I put on black eyeliner, red lip stick, bronzer, and gold eyeshadow.

I went to my closet, and put on my favorite black dress, with black stockings, and my black louboutins.

I finished my look with my diamond earrings.

Professional, yet dressy.


I got my black Gucci clutch, and got out of the house.

I got in my dad's black Lamborghini, and we headed towards Gary Danko.

I have a feeling Ryder is going to be there since he is an alpha. But I hope he's not one of the eight going.

I already had enough of him to last me a lifetime.

Daddy parked the car in front of the valet, gave the keys, and we walked inside.

Here we go

Fingers crossed

We walked toward a table which had eleven seats, nine taken, and two left.

Hmm, they probably all came early to impress my pops.

I scanned all the built, power radiating alphas, and stopped on a face I dreaded.


He's here,

And he smirking so hard I think his face is going to stay like that.

Worst of all we matched.


I took my gaze off the big ape, and placed it on nick. He smiled at me and gestured to the empty chair.

I smiled back and went to sit by him, when I heard a low yet deadly growl.

Ugh, who does he think is?

Big ape, this isn't the jungle, and you don't own me just because you like harassing me.

Everyone glanced at Ryder, including my dad.

"Everything alright son?"

"Yes sir, I just need to take a breather."

"Alright son."

---you're lucky your pops is here or I would've taken you and placed you on my lap, letting everyone know your mine.--

--thanx for the heads up, I'm now going to have a shot of anesthetics with me at all times--

---you wouldn't dare---

--try me--

Then he stormed off

I sat down on my seat, and nick took my hand and squeezed it

---you look breathtaking--

I blushed, then glanced down before tilting my head and looking at him

----thanx, you look, um, ok I guess--
I mind linked while smiling.

---sweetheart, are you ok, I think something is wrong with your vision--
He mind linked while giving a worried impression

----ha ha ha, but there is nothing wrong with my eyesight, but I think you need to go to hospital, I think you're delirious--

he bursted out laughing, while everyone just stared at him like he was crazy, except for my dad who had a knowing look.

Ok, so I lied a bit, nick is jaw breakingly gorgeous. He had brown hair that was not too short or long. It was up to his ear and manly layered (you know what I mean😝). His complexion was tan with a strong gorgeous jawline, green eyes, and medium lips, with dimples.

He was always professional except when he was with me.

And I loved that.

He used to date a lot, but stopped once we started hanging out. I brainwashed him into stop dating until he knew the girl was someone he wanted to spend his entire life with.

And by dating, I mean sleeping around.


Big ape came back once the waiter approached us.

The guy sitting on my other side, suddenly moves and sits where Ryder used to sit.

Ryder gladly takes the now empty seat, and smiled innocently toward me.

This is going to be a long night

God, please, I beg of you, kill me now

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