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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

"What would you all like to drink tonight?" Said the waiter

I got a smoothie with water on the side.

"I'll have the same" Ryder said while glaring at Nick.

"Same here" Nick said while glaring at Ryder.

The waiter left and everyone just started talking.

"Alright gentlemen I have an announcement to make. There was a reason why I invited you all. In three months, you will all finish training and become alphas to your pack, excluding nick(Ryder smiled at this) because he already is an Alpha" my father said. This caused Ryder's smile to falter and Nick to smirk at him.

" My daughter is now eighteen, and the perfect age to mate."

This made me gasp in surprise.


"I have come to the conclusion that you eight are good candidates for my daughter, and give you permission to talk and mingle with my daughter, but nothing physical unless she decided that you will be her mate, is that clear?"

"Yes sir"

All the eyes were on me, each looking lustfully and determined.

Oh boy

How about I just jump off a cliff.

Nice going daddy

My dad did have some ground rules though.

-no bothering me at dinner

-there is going to be a ball, and that is when I can get to know them more

-any aggressive attitude toward me, and my pops will snap their neck. :)

(How about he just snaps my neck instead?)

-they can't come to my house after midnight

Those were the rules for now.

Our dinner came, and thankfully all eyes were on their food and not me.

I was about to dig into my steak when I felt one had on my left thigh and one on my right, making me jump in my seat.

I looked at Nick then at Ryder, but their minds were elsewhere.

Ahhh, they're probably mind linking, that's why they both put their hands on my thigh at the same time.

---mind if I butt in dimwits, why are your hands on my thigh?--

---jack🙊🙉🙈 get your hand off her thigh, she's mine---Ryder mind linked

---how about you get your hand off before I rip it off--nick mind linked

--or how about I just bring my dad into this conversation. How about that?---

Both hands got off my thigh, leaving tingles from when their hands were there.

Now that's much better

I think.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful. After I finished my meal, I excused myself to the restroom.

----Sammy, Anelle, Jasmine, and Amelia I have an emergency, you'll never guess what happened!?!?---

----Are you okay dork?--- Anelle mind linked

--what's up Leils?----Sammy mind linked

----Jasmine ready for duty!---

-----yesss??!---Amelia mind linked

---my dad just basically told me that I can mate with eight alphas---

---damn Leils! Not one but eight!--Anelle mind linked.

---no you dork, I get to choose from eight alphas, which includes Nick and Ryder---

----what are you going to do?----Sammy mind linked.

----I have no flipping idea, I guess I'm aloud to date now, but All I know for sure is that I'm not going down without a fight---I mind linked dumbstruck

---always the drama queen, just give in to one---Anelle mind linked

---hush, don't try to change me, I do what I want, I'll talk to you guys later, I don't want them to think I'm murdering someone---

--or making an all natural atomic bomb-- Jasmine mind linked

--you'd be quite famous tho Leils--Sammy mind linked

---alright dweebs, I'm out!-- I mind linked then closed my mind link, and heading back to dinner.

A thought just came to my mind, of Ryder was invited to this dinner, why did he ask me out on this day. He would've missed it?

I mentally made a note to myself to ask him when I see him.

Sighing, I decided it's time to get out of the bathroom

Right when I stepped out, I saw a shadow, and in a flash, a hand grabbed my arms while the other grabbed my waist, and hastily took me into the janitors closet.


And the drama will begin!!

Sorry if this is short guys, I promise I'll make it longer next time!!!

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Love you all!!

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