Rhy and that Alpha Girl

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Two days passed.
Max and Rhy did as I asked, and in came two beautiful girls in the picture.

Max's girl was his childhood best friend, a girl he always had a secret crush on, but he never expressed it to.
He called her up, told her he needs her here because he misses her.
Bam, that's all he needed to say.
She got a flight that day.

Rhy's g-, um choice of suitor came in the same day but later in the day because she had to convince her dad.
I didn't ask what he said to her because I didn't want to know.
I just know she's here-unfortunately.

Max's girl is Ava. She's stunning and bubbly.
She had a nice tan with legs that can go on for miles. She was always smiling, but observant.

She's learning how to be a pack nurse. On the side she likes to play volleyball. She also likes to look at me like she's trying to assess if I'm a threat or not.
I just give her a forced smile in response.
Rhy's choice is Selena. She has the whole big eyes, soft brown hair, porcelain skin going on, with soft lips to add to the package. She looks like a real life doll.
Not Annabelle like, but porcelain ballerina doll like.
She likes to wear crop tops and booty shorts. I also noticed she loves being in her wolf, since I accidentally caught her shifting back twice.
Why does that mean I saw her naked?
Yes, yes it does.
And yes, I did wash my eyes out with soap.
She was the free, sun loving gal who couldn't get a tan.
She's also been taught how to be a Luna since she was a pup.
She was a character.
On the first night they both were at my house, we all sat together, with my best friends. Selena despite her free nature, has never kissed a guy because she was taught that a physical bond is with the one you are mated too.
Ava, has had one serious boyfriend who she was arranged to marry for the sake of her pack but it didn't work out.
When it came to my turn, Sammy saved the day interrupted me.
Thank you SAMMY!

The girls were staying at my house. Ava decided to sun bathe while Selena decided to swim.
Please God, please let her have clothes on.

I go out to see Ava on a layout beach chair, her back facing the sun while her bikini top was untied.
Selena was swimming freestyle with only a thong on.
I was wearing my Nike capris and my Nike t shirt since I was going to go out on a run, then let my wolf out.

I heard some ruffling, and out came Max from the inside of my house
"Hey beautifuls"
Ava, startled, fell off her chair and on the ground. Face first on the ground. She stood in facing the other way, right when she was about to turn around she realized she was topless.
I quickly got her top, and helped her adjust it.
She mumbled a soft thank you.
Max was shocked, with a slight smile on his.
Obviously loving the effect he has on her.
Selena decides to get to the edge of the pool, her chest covered, and say hi to Max.
He said hi back, unaware she's topless.
"Hey Max, what are you doing here?" I asked.

Max looked down really quick "umm, Ava, can I speak to you for a second?"
"Yeah" she nods hastily. They both go inside.
My mom comes outside with some strawberries and chocolate for them, and places it on the table outside.
"Yes momma"
"Does she know she's topless, or is this some new trend I don't know about?"
I laugh
"Mom, she likes to be free"
"So it's not a thing"
"No mom"
"Good. You know how your grandma likes to keep up with the latest trends"
We both shuddered. 
She goes back in and I here her saying "Babe, if you go out to the pool, I'll castrate you" in the sweetest voice ever.
Right then my dad mind links me
-Princess, empty threat or not?-
-Definitely not, she'd do it in a blink of an eye-
Then I hear my dad saying
"Honey, I'm going out to the gym"
"Good boy"
I hear a doorbell, and 10 seconds later, Rhy, Ben, and some of his buddies come outside.
We lock eyes, and his eyes immediately soften, the darken as they go down my body slowly. I blush and look down, and immediately remember there's other people.
I look at Ben and his mouths is open wide.
All of a sudden, a small splash hits me and out comes Selena.
Her apples were definitely jiggling as she walked up the stairs.
I look at Rhy to see he's still staring at me.
Selena notices that too, so she starts jogging to him.
"What up Rhy"
He does a double take and immediately looks away, looking up.
"Hey Selena"
She begins to pout "Don't I get a hug?"
"Umm, you just got out of the pool Selena."
Ben immediately took off his shirt, and stepped forward "I really don't mind though".
She looked at him and said " you're an Alpha?"
He smiled arrogantly while flexing "yeah, I am"
She grabbed a towel and covered herself.
"Are you looking for something serious?"
He stared at her weirdly, confused of how fast she went.
She looked at Rhy for a second, "I came here for him, but he hasn't paid attention to me the whole time. He's obviously obsess with her. I mean I'm topless and he's staring at her when she's fully covered."
Ben was still confused "Huh?"
She huffed, and walked towards me.
I was dumbfounded
She reached for the top of my shirt with both of her hands ready to tear my shirt in half.
Im still in shock, and curious to what she's trying to prove, I stood there frozen.
Right as soon as she was going to,
Rhy spoke deathly soft "Don't you dare" .
In lightning speed, he came towards us.
She immediately put her hands in the air, her towel secure.
"Relax, I wasn't going to. I just wanted to prove a point. I see it. You're in love with her, and I really don't want to be a fly trying to knock down a wall."
She then looked at us "you guys should seriously just mate already. You guys look as if you speak to each other with your eyes. The connection you guys have is intense."

She looked back at Ben, "don't you dare stereotype me, just because I like to be without clothing doesn't mean I'm easy. I'm traditional in that sense. Im full of surprises, and if you're interested in something long term than I'm you're gal."
She turns around, walks, then turns around again.
"Oh yeah, don't think I'm after your title either. I've just been breed to be a strong Luna, and I like to lead. Yes, I want an Alpha, but I'm not desperate for one."
Then she walks inside.
Ben stares at us with dreamy eyes, " I think I'm in love."
Then he reaches down for his shorts and boxers, Rhy immediately covers my eyes. I hear  clothes dropping, footsteps running inside, and my mom scream.
I look at Rhy, and I say "I think I have to choose you because everyone likes you the best"
He cocks his eyebrow and I laugh.
"She's right, about our connection, I can't ignore it anymore". I look at the ground
"I'm in love with you".
Strong arms grab my hips and place me on the table. He grabs my chin, and kisses my bottom lip. He places his forehead on mine, and we just stay like that.
He breaks the silence "so much for giving other people a chance"
I laugh at that.
He asks "What about Max?"
I look at him with wide eyes "shoot, I told him I'll give him a chance."
I break apart from him,
"I want you to start over, this time if you Mark me, it'll be with my consent."
He grabs my hand, and kisses my knuckles as his answer.
"Did you see Ava and Max?" I ask him.
He shakes his head no
We decide to check the guest room where Ava is staying at.
The door was wide open, I heard soft gasps before I looked up. Max had Ava backed up to a wall, a fresh mark on her neck and her bikini top in his hand while his whole body covered hers.
Rhys hand immediately covered my eyes, he picked me up and away from the scene.
I guess he's the only one who can traumatize me.
He looked at me while he carried me.
"Why can't we move as fast as them?"
I laughed "they've known each other all their lives."
"Now no worrying about Max" he said with a smile on his face.
Max with Ava
Nick with Jasmine
Ryder and I giving it a chance
Who new he wouldn't just let me be?
I'm glad he didn't though.
The next chapter will be the final chapter!
It's almost over!!!!

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