The trap

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

Leila's POV

As I drove into the camp, heading toward my home, I had to come to a halt. There were cars parked, formed into a straight line blocking my way to my house which was a mile away. There were about thirty cars, and there was no gap between them, leaving me trapped.

How the hell?!?!

I got out of my car, walking towards the line of cars. There lying on the ground, behind the cars were about two hundred shirtless guys from the training camp. They were in perfect columns of ten.


"One thousand sit ups in unison now!"

All the guys began doing sit ups, as one was walking around and inspecting.

"Hey, you, what is going on?!" I fumed

Mr. " I think I'm a drill sergeant" walked up to me.

"Why hello miss, we're just working out, trying to improve ourselves so we can impress our trainer, there's no harm in that, is there?" He said innocently.

He looked around my age, he had a lean yet muscled body, brown curly hair, and a tan complexion. He was the smooth talking, talk my way out of trouble type, that I can easily tell. He also radiated power, but not as much as an Alpha, and more than a third in command, meaning he was a Beta.

"Well, you do realize, that the training camp has about 40 acres for you guys to run out and about, and a gym that can easily fill 2,000 people, what are you doing in the driving path?" I said

"Well you see beautiful, there is thing called stalling, you do know what that is right? The cars are there to disable you from using your car, and we are here to make it impossible for you to run, now do you understand?"

Right when he said that, the two hundred guys that we're doing sit ups stopped, and they all stood up with their arms crossed, watching my every move.

"Oh really, well there is one thing I can do" I said as i turned and sprinted to my car, I got to the handle of my door, and right when I was about to open it, a strong hand was wrapped around my waist, and pushed me into a strong, yet familiar chest.

My hands were immediately engulfed into the other hand, and placed above my head. While my lower body(hips and everything below) were squished between his leg, disabling me to move any part of my body except my head. Therefore, I just kept slamming my head repeatedly onto his chest.

I'm guessing he learned from our previous encounter.

I refuse to just stand there still, and because if I stayed still, I wouldn't be able to ignore my body's reaction to how close our bodies are. It's as if they were molded together.


"You just won't give up without a fight will you doe eyes" he said as he tilted his head to look at my face, leaving about an inch of distance between our faces.

"Nope, I wouldn't be Andrew Edwards daughter if I didn't, duh. Now, get off of me"

"Nah I kinda like our position" he said as he rested his chin on my head and started stroking my waist area where the ends of my bra is. I let out and involuntary shiver. I'm starting to feel like he really likes that area.

Gee, I wonder why

"Perv, stop doing that, you do realize it's called harassment right?"

"Not if you like it, or if you're my mate"

I stiffened

"You wouldn't dare"

"Try me" he said then kissed the top of my head.

Wow, this guy must be bipolar. At one second he's threatening me, and then right after he's showing affection.

"Why me?"

"Because of the chase, and how you never give up, you always have a plan, which keeps me on my toes"

"You've only known me for a day" I said as I quirked my eyebrows.

"That's enough time to know you're perfect to be mine."

"Yeah, for the cynical, and the twisted, and in this case, a little bit of both."

He chuckled " hmm, it's weird not seeing you all giddy and flirty, you had me so confused then, your full of surprises."

"which reminds me, before I came here, I told my daddy to wait for me on the porch so we can go out to eat. I said I'll be there in five minutes, it's been ten minutes, I should get a call any second, if I don't respond, he's going to track my phone and find me." I said while tilting my head to look at him, and grinning.

"Your bluffing."

"You wish"

As if on Que, my phone began to ring. Ryder had terror written all over his eyes as he took a big gulp.

"Not so cocky now are we?"

He glared at me

"Oh, and look at that, the phone stopped ringing which means---."

" everyone get out of her way, Brian take one car out of the line so she can go quickly, then we'll take the rest out, let's go , let's go!"

"And Ryder?"


"Let go of me"

He instantly let go me, but his eyes said it all

He's not going to quit this easily

A girl can only wish, right?

I got into my car, and smiled smugly at Ryder, while he looked like he was about to burst.

Poor guy, he thought he had me right where he wanted me, hah yeah right. And just like that, the image of him trapping my body with his came into my mind, making me close my eyes in pleasure.


I put the keys into my ignition, called my daddy and told him I'll be there in a minute. Don't want my daddy to get worried now, would we?

I looked ahead and noticed one car was out of the line, giving me room to drive off.

I mock saluted Brian(the beta), and winked at Ryder before glaring and swiping my hand across my neck.

Thhhen, I finally drove off.


Updated!!! I tried to make this long enough for ya guys! :)

Lemme know what you think,

Comment& vote below lovelies!!

Ohh, & here are more monkeys! @AJHitchmough 😉🙊🙉🙈🙉

Thank you guys for all the support, it's making me excited, and it means a lot!

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