Sam's Fury

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We decided to go back to our friends, so we can get fully prepared.

Archer wasn't a concern anymore, since his loyalty belonged to us now.

Yay team us!

Ekh, right then and there, I was disgusting.

It took us 30 minutes to get back, and right when we did; I wish I hadn't.

When we opened the door, the guys and Sam looked straight at us.

Sam looked boiling mad, her face was so red I thought it was bleeding.

Her eyes looked menacing as she dashed towards me.

She looked like a blonde from hell

Poor Archer, already traumatized, said "not another one" and hid behind us.

"Leila" she said calmly

Then she looked at my like a toddler acting like a dissapointed mom "where have you been?"

I opened my mouth to answer

She brought her index finger up

"I have been worried sick, thinking something happened to you, after all that happened".

I opened my mouth to answer

The index finger went up again

"Sure, I had amazing abs to distract me[Adam cleared his throat], but I was worried sick Leila! If you ever do that again, I'm going to do something that would burn your soul, you know what I'm talking about Leila" Sammy said fully showing her evil intent.

My eyes grew wide, the last time Sammy got mad at me, I had blue hair for a week. I'm not talking Kylie Jenner blue, no. I'm talking Super Sonic, with some super glue to make it stand up kind of blue.

I shuddered at the memory.

Rhy let out a warning growl

Sam just rolled her eyes, then looked at him "don't you growl at me, if it wasn't for you I would've had Leila to my side! Next time you decide to take her somewhere, you better let me know!" Sam growled the last part

Rhy noticed the concern, and the ferocity of her tone. He moved a little back, and nodded.

Sam looked surprised, then whispered "that worked, ok?yay!"

She held her head high, and marched upstairs.

We all let out a breath we were holding.

Archer looked at us "since I'm team Red, I'm going to go ahead and find a guest room to sleep in, you guys are terrifying and exhausting" he said looking completely worn out.

Then he looked at the guys "Can any of you guys who don't have a short temper, and is not related to the blondie, take me to a guest room, and get me some spare clothes?".

The guys looked at Leon, while he had his signature triumphant smile on "that would be me, man" Archer followed Leon " I'm Leon, but everyone calls me Adonis"

The guys all screamed "no we don't" in unison.


After that mess, it just left us and some of the guys.

They were concerned about what happened, so we told them exactly what went on, and what we're planning to do.

Leon, came in right after he helped Archer, and we filled him in.

Sam came too, since, well, she's Sam. You can't really define her actions.

We were all sitting in the dining room, planning.

"You know I love you all like  my brothers, so I'm not going to force you into doing this, it's my battle" Rhy said.

"Bro, we love you like our own. You're also our Alpha now, you're battle is our battle" Stefan spoke up.

"Yeah man, plus you wouldn't be able to do it without us, I mean just look at me. You need me" Leon pitched in with mischief.

Rhy just chuckled

"We got this Ryder, they won't know what's coming" Adam added.

Sammy placed her hand on Adam's shoulder, and added a "hell yeah"

We all looked at her, Adam spoke "you wanna come too babe?"

Sammy looked insulted, she flicked his forehead; earning an ow from Adam and chuckles from us.

"Hell yes, I do! I'm an excellent tracker and I know how to fight. Leil's dad taught me some tricks".

I nodded "Sammy is an excellent fighter"

Rhy then spoke "well that settles it. Leon is our best samurai, Adam, our best wolf, and Stefan is our top sniper. We don't know how many people we're going to be against, so I'm going to be smart about this. I'm going to take five people from each group out of the pack who want to come. That way we will have soldiers left here, just in case they plan to attack here since Noah will probably report to Axel your here."

I pitched in "ok, that sounds fair. I'll contact Nick's beta to see if we can get anyone from there pack. Because I know they wanna help. Their Alpha has been captured" the thought alone reminded me about my friends and family being captured.

Rhy touched my shoulder soothingly. I smiled at him.

"That's good thinking, now that you brought it up. They have captured over 300 future Alphas, betas, and third in commands. I'm going to need help from all of you to contact them. I'm positive as hell, they want in on this. We need to contact them all today, so we can get it arranged by tomorrow and then we can attack" Rhy said determined.

"That's one hundred packs that we need to contact, and there's six of us. So that's sixteen to seventeen each. What do you say?" Rhy said.

"Hell yes" I said

Then we all screamed Hell yes in the manliest voice we can muster.

Plan, initiated.


I am so guilty!!!!
I'm so sorry for not updating.
I got a little discouraged since my book hasn't been getting that many views. I want to hit 400k so bad!!!

I was going to wait till 400k to update but I noticed the level of loyal readers I had, that I had to update.

Think of it as my present to you all for the holidays!

Happy Holidays my loves🎁🎁🎁🎉

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