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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

I got off the sofa in a quick motion, sending my blanket and remote flying in the air.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

It just stayed open


"Buh, how? How did you know I was here?"

He shrugged, while looking anywhere but me.

"I'm telepathic?"

I put my hands on my hips while looking him with disbelief
"Are you asking me, or telling me?"

He smiled guiltily, then chuckled boyishly while ruffling his hair.

"Rhy" I said firmly while glaring at him

"Fine, fine, nick told me."

"Liar, he hates you"

"Nope, uhh uhh, not lying" he said while looking up and moving his hands to his pockets.

I glared at home even more

"You know what Leils, I think you're doing fine, I'm just gonna go" he said while starting to walk away.

Oh no he doesn't.

I sprinted towards him, and tackled him on the floor.

I flipped him, so his back was on the floor, I held both his arms above his head with both my arms, all the while straddling.

Rhy just stayed there not bothering to move.

He was frozen.


"Now, Rhy, tell me the truth"

He didn't move an inch or spoke.


Why isn't he talking?

I looked at him, and found out the reason.

My chest was in the perfect stance for him to perv on.

He was looking down my shirt.

Wait a second, he's moving.

I then noticed his face coming closer to my chest.

What the?!?!?!?

All of a sudden, his hands were out of my grasp, and landing on my hips, rotating us, and switching our position.

His head just fell onto the floor right beside me head.


His body began shaking rapidly. I then heard muffled sounds. It started to become louder, until it became clear that he was laughing.

His shoulders were just shaking, while his laughter was shaking the place.

The sound was melodic.

He stayed like that for five minutes.

He finally got his head off the floor, and brought it towards mine.

His eyes playful, his face smiling.

"You should've seen your face, it was between terror and disgust. Leila, I would've never done that"

He said reassuringly while his eyes were playful, and then bursted out in laughter afterwards. His face this time was nuzzling my neck.

"Shut up, it's not my fault it looked like you were going to rape me"

"Babe, it's not rape if you want it" he said, and each time his lips were meeting my neck, making fire evolve within me every time.

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