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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

I huffed as I enjoyed the view which is my mates butt.

My mate's

Wow, that seems so odd in my head


Ok, carrying on back to this hunk.

"Where are you taking me Rhy?" I asked as I kept bouncing as he walked.

"We're almost there, doe eyes" paused as I kept bouncing.

"If you're wearing that outfit, you're only wearing it for me" he said as his hand grazed my thigh.

I thought for a second , as I had nothing else to do at moment, then said "so we're just hanging out at the beach house for the rest of the day, what about Sammy?"

"Sammy's fine" he said as he lightly tapped my butt "my boys got her, or should I say boy" he chuckled lightly.

"I'm taking you somewhere, that's all you're knowing".

I huffed, I looked around and noticed a cliff. Rhy placed me down then instructed me to get on him-piggy back style. He climbed the cliff, and then went down. When I looked around I noticed we were at a beach but this one was completely devoid of people. All you could here is birds chirping and the water moving.

The sand looked untouched, but ready to be touched

I loved it

"How did you find this place?" I asked him

"When I was a kid, I used to love exploring, finding my own secret place anywhere I went"

He smiled at me "I used to love driving my parents crazy"

I smiled back "I just hope it's not hereditary"

He smirked "already thinking of mini Rhys, aren't you doe eyes"

I looked at him as I masked what I felt "I just pity the girl who decides to mother your kids"

I ran as he lunged at me, both of us laughing like hyenas.

He tackled me softly to the ground and started tickling me, I couldn't control my laughter as he pinned my hands above my head with one hand.

I just basked in the moment, as I laughed uncontrollably. My eyes were solemnly closed, but they were opened wide when I felt his hand contact the flesh of my stomach.

Amidst all the tickling the front zipper of my suit was slowly going down until it reached my belly button.
Rhy stopped tickling me as soon as he felt skin to skin contact. My bikini and cleavage at his view, while my hands were securely held above my head.

Just helplessly dangling above my head

His eyes began turning black

He then blinked his eyes rapidly, as if to regain his composure.

After some awkward silence, he spoke.

"Doe eyes, it's just me and you. How about we take the wet suit off?"

I shook my head frantically, even though knowing that's not the answer his wolf wants to hear right now.

His next response was a mixture of gruff and growl
"You pick then, the surf gear or the bikini"

I gulped not liking both.

Without the bikini, I'll feel naked, and without the surf suit I'll still feel naked.

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