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After scream

I gasped for air

As if I was fighting for it

For it was the only thing I can fight for and actually win

My throat burned

I felt broken

I was tainted


By force, again

My eyes were full of un-fallen tears one blink and it all splashed onto my face.

I stared at him, letting him know what he did was not what I wanted.

He simply looked back at me, smirked and brought his mouth back on his mark. Unwanted tingles were un-welcomed on my neck.

I was wanting something I didn't want.

How twisted?

He cleaned the mark roughly, nipping my neck here and there.

He squatted and got himself up, his demeanor announcing he has something to say.

"Leila is now your Luna, it will be finalized once we're on land, you will treat her with respect."

He glanced at me "you will be free of the handcuffs once it's finalized"

Then he looked at me again "on second thought, having you handcuffed to the bed for awhile doesn't sound so bad"

The goons all chuckled

He looked at me one more time, this time his eyes raked over my whole body  "you know what, I think I might just have everyone just turn around while I have my way with you. I don't think I can wait till we land."

I looked at him, my head tilted. My body, weak. But not my heart. Rage consumed me like no other. This is done, this is not happening again.

"You know, once upon a time I actually admired you. You fought, no matter what. But guess what? So do I."

I felt my hands shake, my veins pulsing. My mouth opened and I let my whole body roar.

I brought my hands apart, and broke myself free of the handcuffs. I felt like fire. I wanted to melt and destroy everything that came in my way.

I stood up, limb by limb.

I brought my index finger up, and pointed at Axel "you're last"

His minions came towards me, I launched my left hand onto the first victims neck and securing my fingers on a pressure point. While my right went in his pocket and took out a gun.

He was paralyzed. I placed his body in front of me and shot the 7 that were there, than snapped his neck.

Nice and quick

The only living are Axel, the pilot and me.

I pointed my gun at him, while my eye searched. I found a parachute , and I wore it. I opened the door and noticed we were under land. 

I felt movement, so I shot Axel in the leg

"Think of it as my mark for you" and with that, i jumped but I grasped onto the edge of the helicopter.

I located the fuel tank, with force I kicked my self away from the helicopter and shot the fuel tank.

I felt as if a cold bucket of ice fell on me as soon as I did.  I closed my eyes, my heart was filled so much emotion.  It was finally done. Finally.

I touched my neck, and I noticed the mark was gone. Thank God we weren't fully mated, or that would've felt as if I was being ripped in two.

I'm free, no more mark.

I just wanted this time to.... I don't know? Breathe.

I pulled on the parachute, and everything just slowed down until I finally touched the ground.

I regained my composure, and took in my surroundings.  I noticed cars, a gas station to my left and farm land to my right. I looked at the sign and I noticed it was in English.

Good, they'll understand me.   

I walked in the gas station, the clerk was an elderly woman. Her hair was gray, the only indicator of her age other than the frown lines by her eyes. Her eyes glanced at at me welcomely.

"Hi, where am I?"

She looked at me as if I'm crazy

"As in what country" I clarified

Her eyes went wide

"You poor baby! Don't tell me you got abducted, was it the mafia?"

"No ma'am, it's a long story. But I'm glad to be safe, where am I?"

"You're New York hun"

I let a breathe of relief out,

"By any chance do you have a smart phone I can use. I just want to ask for a cab through uber with my Paypal account, and book a flight "

She hurriedly looked into her pockets, and pulled out an iPhone 6s.

"Here you go honey, go ahead and pick out some snacks, and I'll guide you to my office. You can wait there while your uber comes."

I looked at her gratefully "can I PayPal you the money?"

"Oh sweetheart, it's on the house,  now go get your snacks."

"Thank you so much"

I grabbed a protein bar, trail mix, mints, kit Kat and a bottled water. I went straight to the office.

I placed my flight, and my uber was going to  arrive in 10 minutes.

10 minutes flew by quick, I thanked the woman. With a lot of persistence, I got her PayPal and I sent her $300 for her kindness.

I went to the front desk of the airport, and I let them know that I had all my belongings stolen. They fingerprinted me, confirmed my identity and cautioned me to send my passport within 30 days.

I was in California after 6 hours. I got weird looks by so many people given my clothing.

I borrowed the flight attendants phone when we landed and got myself another uber.

The gates were open, so I just asked the driver to take me straight to my house.

I got out, and walked to the front door.

I tried the knob, and noticed it was unlocked.
I walked in and I noticed my daddy, and all the alphas in the dining room table sitting down with a large sheet of paper in front of them.

A pen dropped, then I heard some footsteps and I heard a body drop.

I looked to see Sammy on the floor,  then I heard some more footsteps and in came my mom. She gasped, and fell right by Sammy.

The Alphas, including Ryder, and my daddy all looked like they saw a ghost.

I placed my index finger up

"I'm going to sleep."

I marched straight to my bed and as soon as my body touched it, I knocked out.

I mean, I deserve some praise for updating so early!

I usually update once a month, or more. I decided to update in 2 weeks. It's earlier than my average rate 😊

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