Sleepless night

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

"How about you jump out of the window head first?"

"Doe eyes"


He narrowed his eyes at me.

We were having a stare down, while I was on my bed he was on the ground with his inflatable bed, or whatever the hell it's called.

"Fine, how about I give you another option, you can just sleep in a guest room. But if you really want, we can just do option 1.

He glared at me

"Fine, Fine, I get it. I don't feel wanted here, so I'm just gonna go". I took the comforters off me, then walked towards the door.


I then began my hissy fit while saying and huffing "ughhmmmmaahhh".

All the while jogging and pumping my fists in the air. I looked like an overgrown toddler.

When I was finished, I stomped to my bed with my head facing the ground.

"Can't you just leave me alone"

Ryder placed his head on his elbow in order to glance at me better.

"Doe eyes, you know this is a pleasure for me. Even if you weren't in danger, I would find any excuse to spend the night with you"

"You're not spending it with me, you're making it sheer torture!"

"Oh babe" he chuckled "Once I get in your bed, I know you will be screaming the exact opposite" he said while eyes became darker due to lust. He's probably imagining it. Perv.

That, ladies and gentlemen made me dry heave.

"Since I have no other option but to have you in my room, we're going to have some ground rules. Get in my bed and I will behead you, and no funny business".

He huffed and made a pouty face

"Not fair Doe eyes"



"Good, now I'm going to go to the kitchen really fast"

I get out of my bed and head towards the kitchen.

After two minutes, I come back with a sharp blade and pepper spray. I place the blade on my drawer that's on the opposite side of Ry. I get in my bed and snuggle with my pepper spray.
All the while Mr. "Not feeling so cocky at the moment" is watching me with wide eyes and mouth open.

"Doe eyes"

"Relax, it's just for precautionary measures" I smiled then added a wink. "Good night Ry" I said while the smile was still on my lips, but my eyes were closing, and my head softly hitting my pillow.

"Once you fall asleep doe eyes, I'll be right beside you"


I tossed and turned a little.

"Yeah right, just go to sleep"

But that's not what happened.


Out of nowhere we began staring each other down, watching each other's every move. Daring the other person.

It was all because he was determined to get in my bed, and I was determined in him not getting in it.

It was around 3am when sleep felt as if was winning.


"Yeah doe eyes?"

"How about we call a truce, I'm really tired" I said with a pouty face.

"On one condition, I get a hug"


"Doe eyes"

"As long as you promise not to grope me like a sexual predator would at an amusement park".

Ry looked at me confused "Amusement park?"

"Yeah, that's where everyone has to stand close, especially when they're waiting in line, it's like a groping Buffett"

He smiled "3 am, and you still surprise me"

"That's me"

"Now come over here"

"Why me, how about you"



I got out of bed and made my way toward Ryder who was Laying down with his arms wide open and a smile on his face.

Nothing about it looked lustful. Especially his smile. It was one of those smiles a sleepy kid would give when they finally got what they wanted after whining for it for hours.

Right when I was arms reach, Ryder grabbed on to me and pulled me into his chest. Earning a squeal from me. He buried his head into the crook if my neck, and sighed in content.

"How can one girl evoke so much emotions" he mumbled as if in thought

"I want you so badly doe eyes, you don't know how much. I want every bit of you, and I just can't stop it. You make me feel so uncontrolled. I want you and only you. It's, it's frustrating".

I felt a little relaxed, letting my guard down and just laid in his arms.
I felt him nuzzle his head a little bit more, but then felt something poke my neck.


He wouldn't

"I really want to mark you write now. Make you my luna forever. Having you as mine forever". His canines grazed my neck as I laid there frozen.

"But I won't" he drew back his canines and in it's places was his warm lips on my neck. " I don't want to force you, I want to, believe me I want to. But I won't. I'll gain your trust first"

That left me speechless.

"Friends?" I asked


I snuggled closer to him and fell asleep while my head is on his chest.

Hmm, maybe he's not so bad after all.

Sorry about the delay guys. But I finally finished. Please comment and vote. I wanna talk to you guys. Introduce yourselves!

Don't be shy!

Sorry if it's short, just wanted to update really quick!

Will update soon, comment below!

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