The red wolf & his Luna

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

Noah stood up, grabbed his jaw and moved it a bit.

He clutched onto my wet suit, and threw it into the depths of the lake, right where I was.

I grabbed it, and untangled myself from Rhy. I suddenly felt cold, I stopped myself from latching myself back to him. Rhy sensed that and turned his neck to give me a glimpse.

I miss that fire that was swarming around me, inside and out when I was bounded to him.

There was a sense of familiarity, comfortability, and strength that was screaming when we were tangled, and of course the lust that mixed, combined everything together.

It was strong.

With us, it wasn't a damsel and distress situation.

It was a unity, our strengths multiplying and we became a force to be reckon with.

That was all revealed when we were latched, not fully bonded, not fully one physically; but mentally.

That's what I noticed,

With a jerk of his neck, Noah got all of his guards to turn around, allowing me to put my wet suit on without wandering eyes.

It made me curious as to why he was giving me this privacy, although his eyes were still on me.

Thank fully, Rhy's body was guarding his view.

"I want you all out of the water" Noah said with authority.

I zipped my wet suit all the way up, and his guards turned back around without missing a beat.

I latched my fingers onto Rhy's, and we proceeded to get out of the water as well as the guards.

Well that's what we wanted them to think.

One second, we as well as the guards, and Noah were heading towards the surface.

'Now' Rhy linked

And the next, my hands were on Rhy's back as he twisted the arm of a guard that was closest to us, and dived into the water, along with the guard in our captivity.

Before he can yelp, Rhy had his head in the water, and guided us towards the opening in the lake he went to before.

We heard splashing as all of his guards tried to follow us.

We were quick.

We swam to the opening and went through.

'Over there'

I let go of Rhy, and found the big Boulder Rhy was gesturing to.

I grabbed it with ease, adrenaline pumping in my veins, as well as determination.

I closed the opening.

We waited a second,





We placed the Boulder before they noticed where they can catch a glimpse of the opening.

I swam at Rhy's side while he dragged the unwilling guard as he had a death grip on both of his arms.

Making him completely defenseless and rely on Rhy.

We swam to the surface, three heads spluttered at the surface as we gasped for air.

I wiped the water out of my face, grabbed onto the land while hauling myself up.

I sat at the grass, loving the sensation, it feeling so foreign at the moment.

Rhy swam to land, while dragging the guard with him.
He brought the guard toward me, and I grabbed onto both of his arms, and slammed his face, upper body onto land.

Think of it as me welcoming him back to the surface.

He spluttered out water, as I got his hands so they were in between his arms.

Rhy got up in a second, and faced the guard.

He brought his eyes down to the ground in order for it to meet the gaud's.

He did nothing to hide his wolf.

I quickly placed my knee onto the guard's bonded arms, and held his hand with one of mine.

I used my free hand to place it on Rhy's shoulder.

In that moment, red swirled into the blacks of Rhy's eyes, allowing the guard to see who he was messing with.

One thing the guard didn't know, was that it wasn't like all the other times when the red would emerge.

This time it was voluntarily

This time it was controlled, by us, by our bond.

He howled in fear, and lowered his gaze.

Then he arched his drenched head onto the side, into a submissive manner.

He started coughing, getting himself ready to talk.

"I, Archer redding evoke my loyalty to Noah Henders and revoke it to Ryder Fallon, the red wolf".

I let go of his arms, and allowed him to stretch.

He got on all fours and started gasping for breath.

In between breaths, Archer said

"I will tell you everything you need to know, my loyalty lies to you, and your red Luna. No one dares to defy the red wolf"

Dun, dun dun!

Forever the cliffhanger queen!!

I'm exhausted; but I had to keep my promise as to updating this week, and I did it.

Now read on my lovelies,

And be generous with your lovely comments

It makes realize there's an actual person reading it not a zombie, or a robot😉.

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