Good bye Rhy

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

I qhuffed right there, and decided..

I'm going to be a wolf for the rest of the day.

As Rhy was in this beautiful water, enjoying the day and weather, I just sat on my wolf butt right by the water.

I held my head as high as a wolf can

Hmph, there's no way in hell I'm going to bow down to his command.

I was not giving it

I'm not his dog.

(Then there's that snarky commenter who says, but you are a wolf:p)

He sat at the edge of the waterfall, and his jaw fell.
Confused, and disappointed that it didn't go as planned. He scratched his head, confused, stood up and dived into the mesmerizing lake.

Oh okay, when in doubt, dive

His body collided into the water, hands first, and feet last, letting the water engulf his entire being.

He didn't come out quick though

He was probably showing off

7 seconds,






50 seconds went by and there was no sign of bubbles or Rhy.

53-that's it

I got on my hinges and jumped into the water in wolf form.

The water clashed with my matted fur, as I went under.

I opened my canine eyes, half expecting Rhy to be sitting on the bottom of the pond playing a prank on me, and half expecting him unconscious.

But I got neither.

Where did he....

I then noticed there was a little entrance area where you can go.

That's when I paddled my way back up to the surface, the air attacking my lungs once I got a whiff.
I got myself by the land, and hauled myself up back on the forest land, I regrettedly went to where my bikini was.

I grasped the two piece with my mouth, and shifted behind a tree.

It took me two minutes because my body was already wet, and the strings were a handful.

I got to the beginning of the cliff of the waterfall, and started climbing.

Destination:wet suit

Swiftly I got up there in 39 seconds


I looked around, and noticed the Boulder Rhy had tucked my wet suit behind.

I went towards it with a smile on my face, and he thought he was smart.

As I looked behind it, ready to snatch my wet suit;

There was no wet suit.

What the....

That's when I heard that laugh I once thought was dreamy, now I'm going to call it his last sounds on earth.

He let out a wolf whistle

He was in the water, his midnight black hair wet and all over the place, while there was spews of water on his face. His smile abundant on his face, while my body was covered behind a boulder.

I looked at him straight in the eye, and said with the same voice that man used in "Taken", calm yet deadly "I'm going to kill you".

I let out a battle cry as I jumped in the pond, canon ball style.

I emerged in the water, as I was getting up to the surface, I felt an arm go around my bare waist.

Right there and then, I almost gasped for air

This just in:Young teenage girl drowns stupidly when she chokes on water because her boyfriend touched her waist. From then on, the boy has been haunted by her ghost.

But luckily, I held it in, and got my head up to the surface.

As I was taking water out of my eyes, amidst the nature, I suddenly heard a voice.

"Oh look what we have here"

Rhy, in a millisecond positioned me in back of him as we looked up at the cliff.

Five guys, nicely tanned with Hawaiian tattoos were gazing at us with smirks on their faces.

The guy who spoke, came by the edge of the cliff
"Long time no see man" he said while his eyes were full of mischief.

Rhy growled lowly

One of the followers of the five looked around, and then he came to edge of the cliff, giving an object to the main guy.

My wet suit


The leader looked at me "is this yours, because I think it is"

He looked at me with a pleased smile then said "come and get it babe"

Rhy roared loudly

His roar making birds confiscate their nests and flying away.

He then bared his teeth "Noah" he said through gritted teeth.

Noah said on the edge making himself comfortable as two of his men dived into the pond while ten men came and circled the pond.

He looked at Rhy once more "ur home early, and I also see you brought yourself a delicious souvenir"
He said while licking his lips.

Rhy then used his left to push my back in order for my chest to collide with his back.

I wrapped my legs around his torso feeling uncomfortable being so indecent around so many men.

I didn't want Noah and his men take that as me feeling intimated or afraid, so I let a calm yet loud growl of my own.

The growl my dad taught me, and was known for doing so skillfully it scared three hundred even if they haven't taken a glimpse of him.

The two guys in the water moved back a little, as well as Noah looking taken back.

"Well, I'll be damned, that's the trainers daughter" he said with wide eyes, and mouth agape.

As if my day couldn't get any worse.

And i updated!!

So this chapter is a little different than the rest.

I just wanted to change it up a bit.

Let me know what you think is going to happen!!!

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