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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

"What the hell?"

"I'm too young to die"

"Guys just turn on the flashlight on your phones"

We all did that, making our circle have the only support of light in the house

"Leila, do you think..." Sammy said trembling

"Do you think it's him" she finally finished.

I glanced at the other girls and they were trembling with fright as well.

" just stay on alert girls, we're werewolves, we got this, wait what are we doing? Turn off your phones and just use your night vision"

We all suddenly did that

"Hey Leils, where's your mom?"

"What if they got her" Anelle said with big eyes.

"Mom" I screamed suddenly aware that she is in the house as well.

"Sweety, I'm in the kitchen" she giggled "funny thing actually, I was blending you girls a smoothie, and I reached into a cabinet to get a spatula, umm, I may have accidentally knocked the blender in the sink full of water causing the bkackout" she said while exaggerating accidentally.

We all groaned and relaxed

"Are you sure she's not really Sammy's mom, I swear they have the same personalities" Anelle said curiously.

"Let's go on Maury and find out!" Sammy said excitedly.

Amelia slapped her forehead while I and the others just rolled our eyes.

We here a loud ruckus, then all of a sudden the door opened with a key.

"The killer has a key" Sammy said and the girls all began to scream.

"Guys stop it" I said trying to calm them down and prepare for whatever is at the other side of the door.

The girls all got into a defensive position.

And by that, I mean huddling behind me. 😒

The door opened and...

In came the boys, the girls suddenly relaxed while Amelia ran towards Derek.

He had his arms open wide, ready for her embrace.

He held her tight, then softly said in her ear "hey there beautiful"

All the girls sighed

"Where can I get one of those" Sammy said

"Way to ruin the moment Sams" I said while hitting the back of her head.

"Whaaaa, I didn't do anything!"
Sammy exclaimed.

" I know it just looked fun when Ameila did it" I said with a giddy face.

She huffed then made a face at me.

After Derek, in came Jace, Alex and last came Nick.

"Hey there beautiful" Nick said while walking towards me.

Sammy giggled then blushed "hey"

Anelle nudged her, "he's talking to Leils dimwit"

Nick just shook his head, and laughed, "Sammy, you're beautiful too❤️".

Sammy blushed then stuck her tongue out at Anelle.

Nick came to me and brought his arms around me.

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