Pup training

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

After all the cleaning was done, the girls and I decided that we would go out to eat then part our ways.

We ate at the classy Taco Bell restaurant. The girls were just babbling about the dates they are having this week with the guys that got their number. They work fast. They waste no time, na uh, no way no how!

While they were babbling, about what dress they are wearing, and where they are going, I was chugging down my burrito not giving a damn about what they're saying.

I left early because I was going to teach the beginners. There was a total of sixty twelve year olds who were either training to be alphas, betas, or third in commands.

I love the reaction the pups always give me when they realize I am the trainer. It gives me pleasure!

Especially when one of the arrogant pups try to hit on me, and insult me at the same time.

It always happens every year since I've started training them when I was fifteen.

I walked into the area which was the training area for the beginners. They were standing straight with great posture on their assigned spot. They looked professional and ready to train. Any trainer would be pleased by their behavior. But once they all saw me, they were all dumbstruck.

Wow, that was fast. Let's get this started.

"Hi class, my name is Ms. Edwards, and I will be your instructor. This class will be strictly based on agility".


Wait for it

And as if I had a button, the nice postures, the disciplined faces, were all gone. They all erupted into laughter. Some we're clutching their stomachs from laughing so hard, some on the ground, and a few just standing there awestruck.

And there was always that snobby arrogant pup. Oh you can't forget him.

The scrawny twelve year old who thinks he is the most powerful person in the world. He came walking towards me with his head held high wearing a smirk on his early adolescent face.

He is a towering five foot on my five foot five frame. I'm shivering in my boots in fear right now!

"Babe, I think your lost, my dorm
is on the other side"

Oh wow, how original

All the guys started snickering.

"Hey pup! Watch your filthy mouth before I realign it for ya!" My dad came storming in the room and everyone scattered back in there place in a disciplined manner leaving Mr. Not so macho behind. His steps were thunderous and his eyes looked as if they were ready to murder as he was approaching Mr. High&mighty.

"Daaaaad" I whined while stomping my feet on the ground. " I had it all covered"! I fumed.

"Sweetheart, I know, but no one" he paused to stare at the pup "messes with my princess unless they want to mess with me. I know you could handle yourself, but you don't have to as long as I'm alive" he said while cupping my face.

Mr. Not so macho was shivering in his boots with fear, all of a sudden, there was liquid in the front of his shorts, slowly increasing.

Not so macho, .now are you.

And I didn't have to lift a finger.

"Listen up, you will treat my princess with respect if you want to live, let alone train at MY academy, you hear me!" My dad growled the last part, making the room shake, and the pups wince.

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