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My head
It feels like it's going to burst
My body
It feels like mush
My eyelids
Feel so heavy

What...what happened?

I blink twice, trying to get out of my haze

I blink a third time and my eyes are finally open, allowing me to look at my surroundings.

I take it all in, and I notice I'm in a compacted area, I turn around and I notice a driver.

Only the correct term would be pilot.
I'm in a small helicopter.
I move my hands to realize both of my hands are handcuffed, to a smooth silver pole connected to the helicopter.

The helicopter, it's like a military helicopter, where the seats are compacted to the ground. But not necessarily a military helicopter, it looks customized.

I look at my body, and I realize I'm wearing a black v-neck shirt for guys that reaches mid thigh. Very discretely I see a pair of blue boxer shorts peaking under.

What, what?

Then it all came back to me.

That's when out of instinct I move my hands more frantically, disheveled that someone changed me.

"Boss! She's awake" said a voice to my side.

A hand from the passenger seat grasps the top of the seat, as a bulky body emerges, coming straight towards me.


His brown hair disheveled, but still attractive unfortunately. He had a strong jaw, but raging green eyes. His body was pure muscle on his six foot two frame.

Looks are overlooked when you become deranged though.

His eyes find mine, and they slightly smile as he came to me.
He knelt in front of me, and I stiffened.



He placed a hand close to my bare thigh. I wanted to move my thigh so bad, but I knew if I did it would probably just piss him off.

He brought his head close, and I stiffened.

One thing I knew about him was if I lashed in any way possible given my state, I wouldn't like the repercussions.

He brought his head to the crook of my neck, and inhaled.

His body shook, and his hand gripped the middle of my thigh, by the ends of the boxers. Then his hands went under all the way to the top of my thigh. Holding tightly.

I whimpered in fear, tears cascading down my face.
I felt so vulnerable.

He snarled lowly "he marked you"

"He marked you, huh?"

He held onto my thigh tighter, while one of his thumbs grazed my hip bone. Making me aware I had my panties on.

I whimpered again, knowing what I said right now could lead him to tearing off my clothes and fully mating me right then and there.

I had to say nothing, and cool him down.

"But" he grazed my hip bone once more "he didn't finish the mating process"
"That was his biggest mistake"

I felt his teeth elongate on the side of my neck.

He took his face away from my neck

"Who changed me?"

He smirked "no one else but me"

My eyes grew wide

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