Our child

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

Uh oh, most definitely not a good sign.

I untangled my hands from his and wrapped them around his neck, while bringing my body snug upon his.

I placed my chin on top of his forehead while he slowly started calming down.

His face went straight to the crook of my neck where he had bit.

As I slowly rubbed one of my hands up and down his back.

He started breathing hard while bringing his arms around my back, my chest closer to his. Not a lint can fall from our binding.

My back was arched, after awhile his hand went slowly to the small of my back.

His lips went closer to mine as his eyes looked at mine, then back to my lips.

The pull was strong, everything in me wanted to just give in.

But no.

The worst part is, I can't just downright diss him, it might bring out his wolf.

His lips grazed my right cheek, while his hand grasped my neck.

Basically giving him control

More access

His eyes slowly getting black

Better than being red.

He looked straight at me and I noticed the outer circle of his pupil was orange, like a camp fire in the darkest of nights.

I said that too soon.

I gently brought my hand on top of his head, grazing his hair softly as I move my hand to the back of his neck then going slowly back upward.

As I got to the top, I massaged his head with both of my hands then brought them to his ears, then slowly to the sides of his neck, all the while his eyes were glued to mine.

"Babe, I'm right here, you have nothing to worry about"

I brought my lips to his cheek and left an open mouth kiss, then slowly brought my lips to hover his own.

I looked into his eyes then brought them back to his lips, as I was about to bring my lips to his...

"Khhhrrrrrr" following along with a hefty cough, came from none other than Sammy.

Both our gazes snapped to the backseat, there was Sammy snoring like a bear, with her mouth open, drool sliding down her cheek. Her left leg was off the seat while her right was arched.

Me and Rhy just looked at each other and just bursted into laughter while clutching onto each other.

I placed my head on his shoulder while gazing at the overgrown baby.

"I swear, she's like a child sometimes, I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she starts sucking her thumb" I said while smiling.

"It looks like we're stuck with her, but I don't think we'd want it any other way right?"

I chuckled "no we wouldn't"

"Do you know what that makes her?" Rhy asked while grazing my back with his fingers.

"Enlighten me"

"Our child"

"Unfortunately" I said with a giggle.

"Your changing the diapers, babe"

I chuckled again "shut up"

He brought gaze to mine "you know I want like ten kids right, and I think it's only appropriate if we start practicing as soon as possible"

I tilted my head as if in thought "did you know, that you just broke our moment" I said while slapping his shoulder, and moving away from him. He was about to reach for me but I growled and gave him a look which said "I'd like to see you try"

He chuckled again and just placed his hand up in air meaning 'I surrender'.
A thought just occurred to me at the moment, I looked at him, so where are we going exactly?

Rhy gave me one last glance and got back in his seat, then putting the escalade into gear.

While he was merging back into the road he said "we're going to the airport, then Hawaii."

I looked at him as if he'd grown three heads, but then tried to figure out why.

I thought for a second "Are we going because the strongest pack in the world lives there, the Mawaiian Water Pack"? I asked, "Are we going to ask for help?"

He gripped into the steering wheel harder, then gave me a quick glance "

We're going home"


Hold your fire!!!!

Please forgive me guys!!

I know this update should've been longer, and I should've updated sooner. I've just been so busy!

Please forgive me🙈🌹

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