"The Date"

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)


"Stop making noises, we're going to get caught"!

"Easy for you to say, you don't have thorns on your butt".

"Well that's because I__ did not sit on a rose bush."

"Hey, how would I know it would have thorns?"

"You're right. I forgot you lacked logic!"

"Hey! Wait till you make a mistake, I'll get you back!"

"Shhh! I think I hear a car, it's about half a mile away. Stay in your place!"

"To think I'm doing this for you, I get thorns in my butt and I hear no remorse" she whispered

"Fiiiiiinnne, I'm sorry. Happy!?"

"Yes, very, would you mind getting the thorns out?"

"Yes I would mind, now shut up goofball" I said

We plummeted ourselves behind the bushes as we heard the car getting closer.

A sleek black BMW was pulled into the driveway, six feet away from us. The door opened, and out came Adonis.

--Woah baby--Sammy mind linked me

--Sammy , focus!--I mind linked back

He was wearing black Jordan's, black jeans which fitted him perfectly. He was wearing a white button up long sleeve shirt. Even with a button up shirt, his muscles still bulged out. His hair was slightly gelled just to contain any frizz, making him look heavenly.

Woah, did he looked good.

Cassidy is going to faint at the sight of him, she should thank me. I think Sammy is on the verge of fainting.

He reached to the front door, and knocked three times, not too loud, not to soft.

Not a second after, I heard rushed footsteps running down the stairs, and then sprinting towards the door. The door opened and out came Cassidy.

She was wearing a black, mid thigh, silk, sleeveless dress, embroidery in the waist area. She topped the dress with red lipstick, smoky eyeshadow, large curls in her blonde hair, and black louboutins. I hate her, but I got to admit she's beautiful, and she sure knows how to flaunt it.

"Hey Ryder, I got your text message, black dress. At first when I got it, I was so confused, but when I asked around who you are, I was excited. I noticed you at lunch, and I'm guessing that's when you noticed me too" she said then giggled.

Ryder just looked at her. It was as if he was frozen.


Ryder finally regained himself, and blinked three times before he responded.

"I'm sorry, I think there is a misunderstanding, you are not who I was expecting"He said.

"I should've known that was too easy" he muttered to himself.

"Excuse me?"

"I was given your number, but I was expecting someone else. Do you think might know her, she works the brunch at the camp?"

"Hmm, I don't think I do"

"She has auburn hair, baby blue doe eyes, red luscious lips, and a body to die for."

"Leila" she hissed

"Leila" Ryder said as he tested out my name on his lips. Boy did it sound good on his lips.

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