Clingy bastard

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*not edited(for all my beautiful OCD readers, I still love ya)

The brightness of the sun caught my eye, causing me to squint and wake up. I arched my back, and wiggled my arms furiously. My bracelet began moving furiously along with it. I yawned, then opened my eyes.

That was a good night sleep.

Wait a second.

I didn't wear bracelets to sleep.

I looked at my surroundings, and noticed I was sleeping on the ground.

"Wait. What?" I whispered to myself.

Then, finally it all came back to me.

"Ry" I said to myself

Where is he?

I looked by the side of the mattress and noticed a note.

I opened the note and it read

"Hey doe eyes,
you looked so peaceful I couldn't muster the courage to wake you up. Believe me, it took a handful of inner strength to not stay in bed with you in my arms for the rest of the day. But if I did, your dad would've chopped my head and sent it back to my parents. But before I go to training, here's a bracelet, since I haven't marked you, I felt like I had to give you something.

Sleep well, and keep dreaming about me,
Your Rhy.

That left me speechless, with a dopey smile on my face.

No one has ever done this for me.

I looked at my bracelet and noticed it had Ryder in big letters in sterling silver, while the rest was gold.

I rolled my eyes, he just had to find a way to mark his territory didn't he?

I looked at the clock '10:30'. Ahh, he probably went to training. Wait, I was supposed to do brunch!!?!

Ahh, oh well. I love sleeping in.

I heard laughter coming from downstairs.

Loud, hefty, male laughter who can only come from one person.


That thought excited me. I hurriedly got out of my bed. Looked at my clothes to see if they were appropriate.

That's when I remembered I wore pajama pants, a baggy shirt, and even a sports bra because I knew Ryder was going to be in my room.

Putting my hair into a ponytail, I went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face. Then, ran like a hungry coyote down the stairs toward Nick.

I got to the kitchen and spotted nick standing,
Hmmm, beats me, I'm just guessing.


"Hey there beautiful"

"Miss me?"

I just smiled at him and said "nope"

He looked into my eyes with concern, noticing how vulnerable i looked.

His face became serious "your safe now sweetheart" he cooed "I'm here"


All eyes turned to my mom

She crossed her hands

"I'm guessing you two forgot I was even here" my mom said while raising one eyebrow.

"Now that hurts Leila, what do I have to do to get my own daughters attention?
Turn into a very attractive hunk? Is that what I have to do?" She said while looking mockingly serious.

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