Just dazed

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Hey guys! Just wanted to give you a quick message! I noticed that many are participating in voting on who will get Leila. Ryder? Max? Nick?
Thank you! Some are writing that it doesn't matter who we vote for, the story is based on Leila and Ryder. But that's the thing. There's a reason why in the bio, the guy who marks her doesn't have a name.
Expect the unexpected😎

Read on my loves 👄


I quickly jumped off his lap, all the while holding my towel.

But just my luck; the towel unravels, so it's covering only my chest

Thank you god for giving me common sense to put on undies.

Ry is off his daze due to my dad's voice, but once it gets on me, his blue eyes turn black, eyes dilated, and into another daze.

He slowly comes toward me, but I shook my head and say "Rhy, my dad."

Instantly, he shakes his head, and closes his eyes. He stops approaching me, and turns away from me, and says "oh, um, yeah. I'll see you later, ok? Ok" he says answering his own question. Then dashes toward the door and leaves my room.

I shook my head and just wrapped my head on what just happened.

"What the... Ehhh, I don't know" I said to myself and decided it would be best to just get ready to see my daddy off.

What just happened?!?!
I was almost in nothing but a towel in Ryder Knight's lap!

I think I need another shower to recoil from that shower.

Just breathe Leila, just breathe.

Long steady breathes.


Go put some clothes on. Put your favorite studs on, the one you got for your sixteenth birthday. Have your hair in a high ponytail so you could show them off. Go downstairs and kiss your dad on his freshly shaven face, that is always coated with Armani aftershave.

I mentally coached myself so I can forget about this all, and focus on other things.

I can do this.

As soon as I get to my door, I shake my whole body from head to toe; then go downstairs.

As expected, on the end of the stairs was my daddy kneeling down and waiting for his princess to come down. The gleam in his eyes and rare smile approached his face as soon as he saw me coming down.

It wasn't as if he was waiting for his fully grown eighteen year old daughter.


If you look in his eyes, and see the glint in them, you'll think he was waiting for his six year old princess. Her hair in high ponytails, cheeks tinged with red as she is running towards him screaming daddy from the top of her lungs.

One thing is for sure, I will always be his princess.

I can always count on my daddy to make me smile.

As I was running down the stairs, I was squealing and saying daddy as soon as I saw him.

Yes, I looked like an overgrown toddler.

As soon as I reached the end of the stairs I stopped to where my daddy was, and pouted.

"Why are you leaving?" I said with my signature puppy eyes.

He held my hands, and motioned me to sit on the step of the stairs.

"Princess" he says softly

"I'm going, because we got a lead to where that soon to be deadman is" he said warmly while his eyes were full of vengeance.

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