Chapter 13

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Minato waved to her son as he left and brought Nishinoya his breakfast. "Good morning, did you sleep ok"? Minata asked when she got in. Noya nodded and started eating. 

"I hope Shoyo didn't keep you up all night", The boy stopped eating to look at the woman sitting in the chair. "I'm joking". Noya hummed and continued. He finished and handed his plate to Hinata's mom. "You hurt your ankle at the game, do you think you can stand on it now"? She asked. 

Nishinoya threw the blankets off and placed his feet on the ground. He leaned on the side table, gradually putting pressure on his ankle. It pained for a couple seconds but it subsided. 

"Must've just been a twist," Minato said. "Want me to show you around the house"? 

Nishinoya blinked at her and she motioned for him to follow. Nishinoya was holed up in the guest room for too long because when he got out the door, he was blinded. 

"Yeah, it's a little bright in here," Minato said when she noticed Nishinoya squinting. His eyes adjusted and he looked around. The house was warm and welcoming. 

Unlike his own that seemed like a hell hole. 

The windows were open, letting in the fresh air and bright sun. Noya walked over to the window and soaked up the sun. "Do you need anything"? Minato asked, watching him stand in the sunlight. The dark haired boy shook his head and stood in front of the window. He enjoyed the cool breeze and warm sun on his face. 

People called Hinata the sun. Well his presence was like the sun. 

"Nishinoya". Noya heard Minato call him. He walked over to the couch where she was sitting.

 "Do you mind if I check your back"? Nishinoya pulled off the hoodie and sat on the couch. Minato pulled the back of his shirt up and undid the wrappings. They still hurt like hell but it was less than before. "I think you'll be fine to just leave these bandages on, but you need a shower" Minato said, taking them off. "Do you think you'll be able to put them back on by yourself"? 

Noya nodded and went to grab some fresh clothes. He left Hinata's sweater on the bed and dug through his bag. He managed to get a full outfit but stayed crouched, staring in the bag. 

"Remember what you did". 

He reached in the side pocket and pulled out the razor. 

"You're making them hurt, you need to pay for it"

Noya pocketed the razor and made his way to the bathroom. "If you need anything, just ask"! Minato called from the living room. Nishinoya entered the bathroom and locked the door. He sat on the edge of the tub and looked between his wrists and the razor in his hand. 

He never cut his wrists because of volleyball but he wasn't playing right now. 

"Maybe just a couple light ones".

Noya dragged the metal across his skin and watched as blood fell from his arm into the tub. He continued for a minute before moving to his thighs, leaving deeper cuts. Tears ran down his face as he cleaned off the razor and got into the shower. 

"Why do you have to be so pathetic"! He thought. 

"All I do is cause pain to others". 

Nishinoya bit his cheek when the water hit his thighs. This is what he deserved. 

Noya quickly got out of the shower and searched the cupboards for gauze. He found some on the bottom shelf and wrapped it around both his arms and thighs. He got dressed and rushed to his room. Noya shoved the razor deep into his bag and put Hinata's sweater on again. He left the room and laid on the couch with Minato, who was watching tv. 

"Everything ok"? She asked gently. Noya nodded and stared at the tv program, wondering how Hinata's practice was going.


As soon as Hinata got in the gym, he could tell it was going to be another long day. No one had any new information about Nishinoya, well besides Yamaguchi and Hinata. 

"The faster we get to practicing, the faster we'll get out of here," Daichi told everyone. "We'll be playing three v three". 

The team got split into three groups of three and one group of two. Daichi played in two groups because of his receiving skills. Halfway through the second set, Kageyama was irritated with his teammates, Tanaka and Hinata. 

He was sending them both perfect sets and they were missing it or hitting it with half their energy. He set the ball to Hinata and he hit it, but Tsukishima blocked it. The red head landed and watched the ball roll away. 

"What the hell is wrong with you two"!? Kageyama yelled. "I've been sending you near perfect sets and you're missing them, so what the heck is your problem"! Tanaka lowered his head and Hinata turned away from the setter. 

"Kageyama". The black haired boy whirled around to Yamaguchi. "I think you should be more sensitive," he suggested. 

"Oh shit, they're both close with Nishinoya". Kageyama realized his mistake and quickly apologized. "I'm so sorry, I forgot"! 

Hinata stared at him. "You forgot"? 

Tanaka lifted his head and cracked his knuckles. Those one the other side of the next and waiting for their game off to the side, watched the drama unfold. "We'll hit them," Tanaka said, surprisingly calm. 

Hinata focused on his upperclassman and nodded. 

Kageyama shuddered from the looks and the game started again. True to their word, Tanaka and Hinata slammed every set they were tossed. But the difference was that they hit it with so much emotion, the other team barely got a chance to receive it. 

Hinata's team ended up winning and the other two teams went on to play. Suga sat on the bench and downed his water. "Look, I know you two miss Noya but you're gonna hurt someone if you keep spiking the way you were" he said to the two boys. 

"Too late for that," Tsukishima said coldly as he wrapped his fingers. 

"We'll tone it down, sorry Tsukishima," Tanaka said. "I just don't understand what's happening". Suga stepped forward and pulled Tanaka into a hug. 

"Yamaguchi could you grab my phone please". The pinch server ran to Suga's bag and ran back with his phone. "Try calling Nishinoya again". 

"That's pointless," Tsukishima said. 

"Just try". 

Yamaguchi pressed Noya's contact and let it ring. The ringing stopped. "Wait did he pick up"? Kageyama asked. Hinata held his breath. 


Oh great, his mother's on the phone. "Who is this"? Suga asked, taking the phone from Yams. There was a pause. "Sorry, bye". Hinata's mom hung up and Shoyo could breathe again. "Who was that"? He asked to cover himself. 

"No idea, but it sounded like a woman," Suga said. "Maybe his aunt or cousin"? Everyone turned to Tanaka. "Don't look at me, Nishinoya never told me anything about his family". 

"Could be his kidnapper" Tsukishima said deadpanned. Sugawara glared at the blond who averted his eyes.


1188 words 

Started another anime today! It's called Erased, seems pretty good

Anyways remember to vote and comment!

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