Chapter 3

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Nishinoya looked up and found himself at the school. At this point, he was just letting his body take him wherever. He was too exhausted to think and he was pretty certain the blood from his back for seeping through his shirt. 

He couldn't just go anywhere, mostly all his teammates would take him to the hospital. But...

Isn't Hinata's mom a nurse? 

Quickly looking up directions to Hinata's house, he started running as fast as his legs would take him


"How many spikes are you going to take to the face"? Minato asked her son as she pressed ice to his face. "As many as I have to to win"! His mother laughed and rubbed some cream over his bruise. 

"Nishinoya was amazing today"! Hinata said suddenly. "He was like whoosh and then swing and bam"! 

"You really like this Nishinoya," Minato smiled. 

Hinata blushed. "Yeah, I really do". 


"Better go see what your sister wants, get ready for bed". Minato left the room and found her daughter in the living room looking out the window. "I thought I put you to bed" she said. 

"You did but you and Shoyo were talking" Natsu said. "Doesn't mean you should be awake" her mom said. "And I saw someone outside". 

Minato nearly dropped the little girl. "What did you say"? 

"I saw a boy outside," She said again. "But then he fell over, come see". Natsu pointed out the window and Minato saw who she was talking about. 

"Go see your brother and stay with him until I say" She said. Natsu ran to her brothers room as Minato ran outside. 

She approached the boy carefully, just in case it was a trick. She took out her phone to use as a light and saw that he was passed out on his side, a deep red staining his shirt. "Oh my god, he's bleeding" Minato put her phone away and picked the small teen up, grabbing his bag too. 

"Come on Minato, no time to freak out". She brought him inside, threw a blanket over the floor and laid him on it. She threw his shoes in the front entrance and came back. That's when she noticed his shirt. 

Karasuno high school. 

"Oh please don't let this be one of Shoyo's friends''. Minato pulled a jersey from the boy's bag. 

Karasuno volleyball team. No.4. Yuu Nishinoya. 

Not only was it his friend, but his crush. "Shoyo, come here but don't come in the living room"! The middle blocker ran until he was just outside the room. "What is it, what do you need"?! 

"I need a bucket of water, a cloth, bandages and that cream I put on your face" Minato said. "Be quick, get your sister to help if you need it, leaving it right outside the room. I don't need you seeing this". Hinata ran to grab all the things she needed. 

Minato pulled off Nishinoya's shirt to bruises and welts on his chest. She tried to ignore it and gently turned him over to look at his back. 

So much worse.

 He was wearing only shorts and seemed to have run far. Minato checked the bruises on his legs and saw cuts on his thighs. Self induced. "This poor kid" Minato was near crying. How could something so horrible happen to a kid. 

Something fell out of Noya's pocket and Hinata's mom picked it up. His medication. Hinata always described him as a happy energetic person. This just hurt. 

"Got it, mom". Minato ran to gather the things from Hinata. "Put your sister to bed, or keep her busy just don't let her in here". She turned and went back to where Nishinoya laid. Hinata was frozen. 

There was blood on his mom's hands.

 Whoever this person was, he wanted to help. 

"Why don't I read you a story, Natsu" Hinata asked, walking into his sister's room. He closed the door and sat on her bed to read her favorite story. 

Minato might have been having a small panic attack. She had cleaned up Nishinoya's back and managed to bandage his torso as well as help the bruises he was covered in. She remembered watching his receive on tv and wrapped his swollen ankle. The mother of two changed the libero's clothes and laid him on the couch. 

"What's going on?" Noya asked, sleepily. "It's ok, I'm Hinata's mom, you're safe" She ran her hand through his hair because that always calmed Hinata down.  

"Thank you" Nishinoya whispered. "Here, I have some pain meds for you to take" She helped him sit up and handed him a glass of water and the two pills. "Where's my other ones"? Noya asked quietly like it took everything to talk. "They're in your bag" She showed him to confirm. He nodded and handed her the glass. 

"You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need, get some rest" Minato smiled softly as the teen laid back down and fell asleep quickly. The red head cleaned everything up and gathered the clothes Nishinoya had been wearing and the blanket off the floor. 

"Shoyo". Her son's door pretty much flew open. "Yes"? Hinata wasted no time. "Can you get the guest room ready? I need to do laundry". 

"Of course, mom" Hinata opened the door next to his and looked around. 

The room hasn't been used, whoever was in the living room would pretty much have a new bed to sleep in. Hinata heard the shower running as he made the bed and placed a couple pillows. 

His mom took a quick shower and totally didn't cry in that short time. She walked back upstairs and saw Hinata waiting in the guest room. "I suppose you want to know who it is". 

"Wait, you know them"? He asked. Minato nodded. 

"I'd like to know" Hinata said. "Wait in the room". 

Minato left the room and threw her hair towel in her basket. She went to the living room where Nishinoya was and picked him up again.

She carried him into the guest room, watching Hinata's expression drop even lower. Minato placed Noya on the bed and tucked him in. 

"That's not– no" Hinata couldn't find the words. 

"Yuu Nishinoya, jersey number four" Minato said sadly. 

Her son was silent. "His bag's in the living room, can you go grab it"? Hinata wordlessly left and his mom looked down at the sleeping boy. 

"I'm gonna protect you as if you were my own" she vowed quietly. Hinata came back in and placed the bag on a chair. 

"What do we do"? He asked, his voice cracking. Minato opened her arms and pulled Hinata into a hug, walking out the door. "We help him but I say you shouldn't see him for a couple days, just so he focuses on getting better". Hinata crawled into his bed, under the blankets and hugged his knees. 

"What do I tell everyone"? Minato thought for a moment. 

"I'd say, keep quiet, this isn't your thing to share, Nishinoya-kun obviously wanted to keep his situation on the down low. It'll be hard but you're strong and so is Nishinoya from what I've heard. He'll recover". 

"But he won't fully recover" Hinata cried. "He'll still think about it, he'll probably have scars". 

"How do you know that"? Minato asked. 

"Mom, bruises don't bleed". His mother sighed. 

"You're right but for now let's be positive. He'll be able to go back to volleyball with you". Hinata nodded.

"Alright, goodnight sweetie. Try and sleep as best you can" Minato kissed his forehead and left the room, closing the door behind her. 

She checked on Natsu, who was fast asleep and then on Nishinoya one last time before closing that door too and heading to bed.


1318 words 

Double updates ya'll! I'm on a roll.... towards my crying corner

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