Final Chapter

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Karasuno arrived back in Miyagi, tired from their long day and equally long drive to the school.

Ukai told them to grab all their things and go to the gym for a brief meeting.

"Do you need any help carrying your stuff"? Asahi asked Noya as the smaller boy picked up his backpack.

"Nope, my back's been feeling good, thanks"! By now the entire team had heard Nishinoya's story and as much as he hated being looked after and somewhat babied by the team, he found it endearing.

He skipped into the gym with Hinata, the rest of the team behind them as the new couple swung their hands as they went.

"God you two are so annoying" Tsukishima commented.

Nishinoya looked pointedly at the blonde who had Yamaguchi pressed into his side with his arm around his shoulders.

Yamaguchi just shrugged and yawned, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, making Tsukishima smile.

The meeting was relatively quick due to everyone being exhausted and eager to go home to sleep in their own beds.

"My mom said she's going to pick us up," Hinata said as he texted his mom back as they walked.

"Thank god, I thought I was going to have to sleep here," Noya joked.

The two of them were the first to near the gates and parking lot, which for them was unfortunate.

Hinata stopped when Nishinoya grabbed his arm, pulling the redhead behind him. "What's wrong"?

"It's-" Nishinoya paused before turning around and looking his boyfriend dead in the eyes.


"Run and find everyone else, they're probably all still at the gym" he said quickly. "Why"!?

"Just do it"!

Hinata wasn't sure why he was being yelled at so he yanked himself out of Noya's grip and ran back to the gym.

The car stopped, drivers side nearest to the libero and.

"Why are you here, mom" Nishinoya spat.

"Sweetie, I came to take you home," Kijo said, getting out of the car. If he hadn't been abused for his entire life, he might've gone with her.

"I'm not going with you, not now, not ever"! "Yuu, please get in the car," she said.

"No"! Nishinoya yelled, standing in place. "You can't just show up and tell me to leave with you. You ruined my life"!

"I know I hurt you but please let me make it better, I promise I'll be better" Kijo pleaded.

Noya didn't know when the tears started falling from his eyes. She didn't deserve his tears and yet here he was, crying.

"You've told me over and over that you hate me, you beat me and yelled at me, called me a mistake. How are you supposed to make up for that"!?

At this point he was screaming, fresh tears running down his face, into his mouth.

Kijo glanced at the road then at her phone. "Let's go home, Yuu" she said softly, stretching out her hand.

"Mom" Nishinoya sobbed into the night air. "If you don't love me," he stuttered out. Her silence meant for him to continue.

"Why won't you let me go"!

Kijo dropped her hand to her side. Hinata had the rest of the team running behind him. It had taken a while for him to tell them something was happening because he was so tired.

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