Chapter 15

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The next morning, the two boys woke up in Hinata’s bed.

“Good morning” Shoyo was the first to say it. Nishinoya just groaned and pulled the blankets over his head.

“Come on, you have to get up”.


Hinata laughed and got up. True it was unusual behaviour for Nishinoya not to be awake early but he figured he’d let the boy sleep.

“Hey sweetie” Minato greeted her son as he walked in the kitchen. “How did you sleep”?

“Pretty good,” he answered.

“Sleeping even better now that you’re with Noya-kun”? Minato teased. Hinata spit out the water he just drank and turned a bright shade of red. “No mom”!!

She just chuckled at his reaction and went back to making breakfast.

“Are you going back to work tomorrow”? Hinata asked, wiping up the water he spilled.

“I don’t know, it depends on Nishinoya,” Minato said. “Natsu has an after school babysitter but I can’t just leave him here alone”.

Hinata nodded in agreement. He didn’t like the thought on Noya being all by himself.

The red head helped his mom make breakfast for the four of them and greeted his sister as she ran in the room, full of energy.

“What did you make”?! Natsu asked, sniffing the air.

“I made waffles,” Minato smiled. “Why don’t you go tell Nishinoya that breakfast is ready”? “Mom” Hinata looked at her like it wasn’t a good idea. “It’ll be fine” she assured him.

He sighed and set the table. Natsu ran to the guest bedroom and jumped on the bed. She didn’t see Noya and left again. She searched the house.

“Where is he”? She went into her brother's room and saw the boy she was tasked to wake up.

Natsu got on the bed and shook Noya. “Wake up! Wake up!” She yelled. Nishinoya mumbled something and sat up.

“I’m up,” he said tiredly and got out of the bed.

“Did you sleep with oniichan’s sweater on”? The little girl wondered. Noya pulled at the sleeves. “Yes”.

Natsu scrunched up her face. “Do you like Shoyo”? The libero froze. Then he answered. “I do”.

“Cool”! Natsu beamed. Nishinoya smiled at her.

He picked the small Hinata up and carried her out of the room, ignoring his pain for her sake.

Natsu felt like a princess, being carried places. They got to the kitchen and saw Minato and Shoyo talking.

“Morning” Noya said, getting them to turn their attention to him. “So you finally decided to get up”? Hinata joked.

“I had a loud alarm” Nishinoya snickered and put Natsu back down. He winced as he stood back up. “You ok”? Hinata asked, concerned.

“Yeah, still a little sore” he said truthfully. “If you don’t over stress it, you should be good in a couple days,” Minato told him.

“Ok, thank you” Nishinoya said and went to sit at the table.

After breakfast, Nishinoya decided he would play video games with Hinata.

“Hey, Shoyo,” Kenma said from the video call. “Hey Kenma”. “Who’s the other person playing with us”? Nishinoya and Hinata looked at each other.

“Uh my cousin” Hinata lied.

“Ok, Lev get ready to fucking die” Kenma said. “Why me”?! Lev cried.

“Because you suck”.

Hinata snorted and Noya covered his mouth. “Can we get the game started first”? “Oh sure”.

They started a match and you could hear Lev crying from dying at Kenma’s hand a bunch of times.

“Jeez are you meaner than yesterday”? Lev sobbed.

“Stop crying or I’ll call your boyfriend”!

“Yaku would be nice to me”.

“No he’d probably play and help Kenma kill you”. Hinata said. “I hate this game”. You could hear the half russian pouting.

Hinata glanced over at his crush who was super focused into the game. Usually Noya was quiet during any game.

“You’re about to die,” Noya said quietly, still staring at his side of the screen.

Shoyo looked back at the screen and sure enough, Kenma killed him. “You betrayed me”! Hinata mocked hurt.

“I killed you because I can’t find your cousin”! Noya smirked. “Maybe you suck at the game”?

Kenma protested with a string of sounds. “Tell me where you are”!! “Kitten, calm down, it’s just a game” Kuroo said.


Hinata watched as Noya jumped down from a tree, basically cutting Kenma’s character in half with his sword. “WHAT THE FU-”.

“Holy shit, whoever you are, you’re amazing” Lev said in awe. Hinata was dying laughing from the crashing noises and screams that came from Kenma.

“Rematch”! He insisted. Noya cracked his knuckles and pressed play. Kenma didn’t even get to kill Lev that round. 

It was past noon when Minato opened her son's door. She poked her head in and saw Hinata hyping Nishinoya up.

“Go. Go. Get him”!

She smiled and watched as Nishinoya beat Kenma. She was happy to see him forgetting himself and having fun.

“I’m leaving, bye” The cat gamer rage quit and Lev had to leave too. “Aw man, what are we supposed to do now”? Shoyo frowned.

“Why don’t you go outside”? Minato suggested, making Noya jump and grab Hinata’s arm. “I am so sorry, I probably should’ve knocked first” Minato apologized.

“It’s ok, I probably would’ve jumped when you knocked” Noya told her.

His mom always knocked on the door like a normal person.. then barge in and have her way with him.

Minato just gave him a sad look before going back to what she said. “You guys should seriously go outside, the fresh air will be good for you”. Minato left the boys to think about it.

“Want to go to the park”? Hinata asked.

“As long as no one I know sees me” Noya said.

“Can I invite someone”? Nishinoya shrugged. “Who”? “Whoever you’re comfortable with but I was thinking” Hinata whispered to him.

“Yeah sure”. They moved back and became aware of how close their faces were. Hinata stared at Nishinoya’s lips, blushing. “Shoyo”.

The red head almost swore at how hot Noya sounded. The dark haired boy pulled away and adjusted his sweater.

Hinata loved him wearing his sweater, even if he had to since he didn’t have his own with him.

“Coming”? Shoyo nodded and followed Noya out of the room.

“So where are you two going”? Minato asked as they put their shoes on. “To the park,” Hinata said.

“Ok, have fun”. And with that they walked out the door and towards the park.
1078 words

Honestly no idea what this is

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