Chapter 4

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Hinata woke up the next morning, after 3 hours of sleep. He couldn’t stop thinking about the boy in the next room.

He just had so many questions and no way to ask them. Hinata realized last night that no one on the volleyball team truly knows Nishinoya.

The first year spiker got dressed and headed out to the kitchen, briefly glancing at Noya’s door as he passed.

“Good morning, mom” he said and sat down at the table. “Morning, how did you sleep”? Minato asked while flipping pancakes.

“Not very well, three hours tops”.

His mother placed a plate in front of him. “Would you like to stay home? I can call the school for you” she said.

Hinata didn’t want to stay home.

All he would be doing is sitting in his bedroom obsessing and worrying about his libero. Might as well have a distraction, like volleyball or even his school work.

“No thanks, I’ll go” was all he said before starting to eat.

Minato gave him a sympathetic look and turned to make her own breakfast. While they ate in silence, Minato noticed her son looking at the guest bedroom door.

“I’ll leave a plate there in a little while if you’re wondering”.

Hinata put his fork down and covered his face with his hands. “Shoyo…”

“I’m s-sorry, I just want him to be ok” he sobbed. Minato stood and wrapped her arms around Hinata. “I know darling, we’ll do our best” She sniffled.

“What if it’s still not enough”?

Minato didn’t have an answer for that. A few more moments of quiet passed. “Mom”?

“You better head to school, you don’t want to miss practice” Minato said and gave him his bag.

Hinata couldn’t say anything else so he threw his shoes on and left for school. Minato wiped her teary eyes.

Nothing could’ve prepared her for this, especially to see her kid so distressed.

At least Natsu was oblivious.

The mother filled a glass of water and brought it and a plate with pancakes to Nishinoya. She peeked in and saw him facing away from the door.

He must’ve heard her because he sat up quickly, out of fear. “It’s just me, remember Hinata’s mom”? The dark haired boy nodded and winced as he sat up to eat.

“I bet you’re hungry” Minato said and handed him the plate. She watched as Nishinoya devoured the food quickly. Noya caught her stare. Minato just smiled softly.

“I’ll be right back ok”? Noya blinked at her and she took it as a yes. She left the room and came back with pain killers.

“Here” she gave them to Nishinoya. He took them with water and looked at her again. He blinked three times.

“Is that a thank you”? She asked. He blinked once. Minato laughed lightly. “You’re welcome” she said.

“Oh and, I don’t know if you want to take this too”. Nishinoya reached over and took his medication from her hand.

“Do you mind if I see your bandages”? Minato asked politely. Two blinks. “I don't under-”. Noya turned slowly in the bed to have his back facing her.

She carefully lifted his shirt and undid the wrappings. His back was still so bad. “I need to clean your back again, is that ok”? Noya nodded.

Minato went to grab a wet cloth and returned to the boy in the same spot she left him.

She touched his shoulder and he flinched away from her, taking a fast breath from moving too fast.

“Sorry for scaring you”. Minato pressed the cloth to NIshinoya’s back and he let out a choked sob.

“I know it hurts but it has to be done”. She continued, trying to ignore Noya’s crying.

Why did time seem to be going slower when she was doing this?

“There, I'm done” Minato announced, wrapping his torso again.

Nishinoya turned and laid back down, still no words and covered his head with the blankets.

Minato took everything from the table and left the room. She checked the time and had to get Natsu up for school.
683 words
Next chapter is a retelling of this one in Noya's POV, it's short too

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