Chapter 17

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"Come on boys, time to get up" Minato yelled.

Nishinoya groaned and felt Hinata shift in his arms. "Five more minutes" he mumbled.

Noya smiled and pushed the red head off the bed. He hit the ground with a thud. "Ow"! Hinata got off the floor and glared at Nishinoya who just smirked at him.

"Time to get up" he repeated. Hinata rolled his eyes playfully and took his uniform out of his closet.

Nishinoya just grabbed his bag. "Do you want to change in here, I can change in the bathroom" Hinata offered.

Noya tightened his grip on his bag strap. "Uh no, it's fine". He hurried out of the room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

Hinata shrugged and started getting dressed.

Nishinoya took off his sweater, which was still Hinata's sweater and unbandaged his arms.

"You're pathetic".

"They don't believe you can take care of yourself".

"They think you're going to crash and burn by the end of the day".

Nishinoya took a deep breath, giving into his thoughts. And ran the blade against his skin.


"Better eat up, you two have to get to school" Minato said, putting two plates on the table. "You have work," Hinata reminded her.

"Oh right, but that isn't until I drop Natsu off at school". Minato's shifts allowed her to drop her daughter off at school and she had hired a babysitter to stay with Natsu until Shoyo got home.

"Where's Nishinoya-kun"? She asked.

"I saw him a moment ago," Hinata said, turning from his breakfast to look down the hallway.

He saw Noya taking some things out of his bag so he didn't have to carry it all to school. The dark haired boy dropped his bag by the front door and sat down to eat.

"Thank you" He said to Minato before digging in. "You don't have to say thank you anymore," Minato laughed.

Nishinoya turned red with embarrassment. "Oh ok".

She handed both boys a glass of orange juice and Noya his meds. Hinata watched as he took them like it was nothing and down his juice as well.

Noya placed the now empty glass on the table before spotting Hinata's gaze. "Um, sorry"?

Shoyo snapped out of his trance and smiled. "No it's ok, I just zoned out".

Noya nodded and continued eating. Minato went to wake her daughter earlier today so that they could drive the boys to school.

"Are you sure you still want to go to school"? Hinata asked, taking his and Noya's plates to the sink.

"Yeah, I do". Hinata couldn't help but hear the slight shaking of Nishinoya's voice. He walked over and took his hand.

"I think you'll be ok".

Noya stood and wrapped his arms around the taller boy. "Don't worry about me, if anything happens, I'll make sure the office calls you".

Hinata buried his face in Noya's shoulder and sighed. "Perfect".

"Nii-chan"! Hinata pulled away from Nishinoya fast enough to catch his sister. "Morning Natsu," he said.

"I get to go get breakfast with mommy"! Natsu bragged. Hinata gave him mom a sad face and she just chuckled.

"You have to go to school". Minato said. "Get your shoes on, let's go"! The mother grabbed her keys and Natsu pulled on her shoes with the other two and ran to the car.

"Shoyo, you sit in the back with your sister". Hinata scoffed but got in the back anyway. Nishinoya got on the passenger side with his bag by his feet.

Natsu was singing along to a song that came on the radio, somehow having the energy to do so while laughing at herself.

Hinata started singing along as well as his mother. Nishinoya just listened.

He adored the way they all got along, how they all had fun together no matter what it was they're doing.

Why couldn't he have been lucky enough to have an amazing family like this?

He pushed those thoughts away and quietly enjoyed the vibe that had been set.

The drive to school was almost too short for Hinata. He was nervous for what was to come when he entered the gym with Noya behind him.

His mom pulled in front of the school and waved to the two of them as they waved and left for the locker room.

"Do you think there'll be anyone in the locker room"? Nishinoya asked nervously, his eyes scanning around them.

"No, we're a little late," Hinata said as they neared the door. He peeked inside to ease Noya's nerves and as he thought, no one was in there.

"All clear".

Nishinoya followed him in and put his bag down. Hinata was a little embarrassed just to be changing in front of his crush but he did it yesterday so it should be fine, right?

Wrong. Both boys blushed and turned away from each other.

Shoyo quickly changed and spun back to Nishinoya with determination. "Alright let's go"! He opened the door but was stopped by his libero.

"What if I'm not allowed back on the team? What if I have to play even though I can't? What if-".

"Noya, listen to me".

Nishinoya stopped talking and made eye contact with Hinata, seeing his reassuring look.

"None of that will happen, those are just what ifs". Shoyo brushed the other hair out of his face. "I'll make sure none of it happens".

Noya gave him a small smile, only for it to drop into a frown when Hinata turned around.

Not that he didn't believe him but his mind was racing and wouldn't stop no matter what was said.
982 words

It's been what? 8 days without an update?
I'm so sorry. My mental health had been kicking me down.

I'll make sure to do update again later today for you guys.

Feel free to comment, I love reading them 😊

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