Chapter 20

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Hinata burst into the nurse’s office to see Tanaka sitting on a chair in the corner of the room and Nishinoya curled up on the bed.

Tanaka glanced up from his phone and saw Shoyo looking at Noya.

“He panicked and when the teacher tried to talk to him. Found him in the bathroom” he explained.

He watched Hinata cross the room, over to the bed. “Thanks for calling me”.

“No problem, I figured he’d want you here anyways” Tanaka got out of his chair and went to the door.

“I hope he’s ok”. He said and left HInata alone with Noya.

Should I wake him”? Hinata weighed his options and decided to wake him.

He went to shake him but didn't want to hurt him, so he tried calling his name.




Still not awake.

Shoyo sighed and leaned down, kissing his libero’s forehead. When he pulled away, Nishinoya opened his eyes.

He sat up and looked around the room frantically.

“Why am I here”?!

“You had a panic attack,” Hinata told him. Nishinoya’s eyes widened.

“Does anyone know”? Oh god I’m so pathetic”! He scratched at his arms, scared that more people had seen him in the bathroom.

Hinata grabbed Noya’s hands and gently held them. “You're not pathetic,” he said, kindly. “You’re the bravest person I know”.

Noya took a deep breath before smiling weakly. “There you go”. Nishinoya took one of his hands from Hinata’s grip and reached out, tracing Hinata’s features.

The redhead didn’t mind the way Noya’s surprisingly soft hand made its way into his hair. It seemed to calm the other boy down anyway.

The hand in his hair was quickly retracted with an apology.

“I don’t mind,” Hinata assured, smiling brightly.

Noya laughed a little and laid back down. “What time is it”?

“About half an hour until school ends”.

“Oh, well I’m staying here then” Nishinoya said. The taller boy joined Noya on the bed, automatically taking him into his arms.

“Looks like I‘m trapped and can’t go back to class” he joked, getting a giggle in return.

Hinata buried his face in Noya’s hair and smiled.

He wouldn’t trade this moment for the world.

The libero and spiker stayed in each other's arms until the bell rang.

“Do you want to go to practice”? Hinata asked, standing up. “We can go home if you want”.

“No, I’ll come, can’t have the future ace missing practice because of me” Nishinoya winked and pulled blushing Hinata out the door.

He fell into step with Noya and remembered that they had left their bags in their classrooms.

“We need to get our bags,” Hinata said. Nishinoya showed him the time worriedly.

“I’m sure we’ll have time to get them before heading to the clubroom”. They quickly went to both their classes and made it to the locker room with time to spare.

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