Chapter 22

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"Come on boys, you have to leave soon"! Hinata groaned and opened his eyes.

He rubbed the sleep from them and went to get up only to find he was trapped under Nishinoya's arm. He smiled and moved closer.

"Yuu" he whispered. "We have to get up".

"No" Noya huffed and went to fall asleep again. Hinata wasn't taking no for an answer so he tilted his chin up and kissed the libero's cheek.

Noya jumped at the action and sat up. "I'll get you back for that" he said and threw the blankets off of the two of them and pushed Hinata off the bed, like he seemed to enjoy doing.


Noya smirked at him and left to get dressed. "Wait I have a question". The dark haired boy turned around. "Yea"?

"Why do you wear my sweater to bed"? Nishinoya subconsciously tugged on the sleeves. "Um, I". He itched at his arms and thighs.

"Keeps me warm" he said and almost ran out of the room.

Hinata frowned at his weird behaviour and got dressed. He looked at his forearms.

Why had Noya gotten nervous when he asked? What was that thing called? Hinata opened his laptop.

"What is it called when someone hurts themselves on purpose"?

Shoyo scanned through some websites, finding the answers.

He didn't know if Nishinoya had been harming himself, well he didn't seem to have any indications before.

He had no reason to believe Noya actually cuts but Hinata learned people often wear sweaters to cover their cuts.

Noya came back into the room and Hinata slammed his computer shut.

"You good"? Noya asked, double checking his bag, to make sure he had everything. "Yeah sorry, you just scared me".

"Oh sorry".

They left the room, carrying their bags to put them by the door before sitting down to eat.

"Now remember, if you want to come home, call me and I will drive all the way to Tokyo to pick you up" Minato reminded Nishinoya.

"I should be ok," Noya assured her. "Also Sugawara would more likely drive me back".

"Yeah he would, team mom for you" Hinata said, his mouth full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full" Minato scolded.

He hummed and continued stuffing his face. To his surprise, Noya ate slowly. Maybe it was because he was forcing himself to eat or he just wasn't feeling hungry.

"If you become Tsukishima and not eat a lot, I will feed you myself," Hinata said, getting a laugh in return.

"Relax, I'm just not used to getting full meals everyday, all day".

"Your mother didn't feed you"?

Noya shook his head. "She only ever had enough food for her, most of the time I'd have to wait for her to leave the house in order to eat, which wasn't often" he said.

"And at training camps you were lucky to have all the food," Hinata added. "Exactly".

Minato took the empty plates from both of them and sent them on their way to school.

They walked the somewhat long distance to school, Hinata dragging his feet the whole way. Noya yawned as they walked onto the school property.

"Sorry my mom made us walk," Hinata said with a groan.

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