Chapter 9

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The school day went quickly for Hinata and he found himself at the gym once again.

The air was tense and almost suffocating... Yet everyone was still practicing.

Hinata surveyed the room and listened.

All that filled the gym was the sound of volleyballs hitting the floor and squeaky shoes.

Everything was too quiet. Noya's absence was so obvious that it hurt.

"Wait where's Sugawara"?

The aura of the room got ten times worse. "He left and texted me that he was going to see Noya," Daichi told him.

"But he can't see Noya," Hinata said. "Why not"? Yamaguchi asked. Hinata shuffled his feet. "Well, cause we figure he's not home, right"?

"We'll have to see," Asahi said.

"Hey guys"! Takeda walked in and was taken back. "Oh wow, ok" he said, obviously startled by the room's energy.

"Sugawara and Nishinoya didn't come today"? He asked.

"Sugawara had to go get something from his house and Nishinoya stayed home today," Daichi said.

"I see well, make sure they know that we have a practice match tomorrow with Aoba Johsai," Takeda announced.

There were different reactions all around. Some were nervous because Noya not being there made their defense weaker. Some were a little excited and Kageyama looked... exuberant?

Yamaguchi leaned over and whispered another two people's names to Yachi, so she could add them to their list of potential people Kageyama was dating.

With that, Takeda left the team to practice.


Sugawara had driven the short distance to Nishinoya's house and was not leaving without answers.

He knocked on the door and waited. No answer.

He knocked again just to be sure.

There was yelling and someone came rushing out of the house. "Yeah, one night stand means one night"! The woman in the door yelled.

She turned her attention to Suga and looked him up and down. "Who are you"? Suga was taken back by her tone.

"I'm Koushi Sugawara, I'm the vice captain of your son's volleyball team," He said nicely.

"I'm Kijo and whatever you need, you won't find it here" Kijo said.

"I happen to be looking for your son, do you have any idea where he is" Suga was irritated and it was showing.

"Nope, He could be dead" She shrugged.

The team mom's eyes widened in anger.

"Oh, that reminds me" Kijo turned and came back with a black jacket. She threw it at Sugawara.

"That f*g forgot his jacket and tell him he's lucky I can't get into his room because of the locks" Kijo went to close the door but Suga stopped her.

"Ma'am would you consider yourself homophobic"? He asked with a smile.

"It's unnatural and disgusting" She spat at him. "Well I'll give you this warning" Sugawara got a little closer.

"When I find your son, my team that consists of all lgbtq persons and I are coming for you".

Sugawara staggered back a little when Kijo punched him. "You and your team can go to hell".

Suga spit out blood onto the ground. "Maybe, but you'll be down there with us".

He laughed slightly and turned, walking away. "We'll meet you down there cause-" he looked over his shoulder, with a challenging sort of look.

"You have less time than us".


The team was in the middle of a game, terrible game if you will, when Suga came through the door clutching a jacket.

"Koushi"! Daichi ran over and knelt next to the boy who was on his knees. "What happened"?!

"Daichi" Sugawara looked up at his boyfriend. "I think Nishinoya's hurt".

Sugawara collapsed in a chair and Kiyoko gave him some ice for his face. "Nishinoya's mom did that"! Tanaka said.

"Yeah, threatened her with the big gay" he joked.

"He's gone insane" Daichi threw his hands up.

"What's this"? Ennoshita said, reaching for the jacket. Suga hesitated before giving it to him. "Noya's jacket, she threw it at me".

Yamaguchi took it from Ennoshita and looked it over for any rips. "Why'd she do that"? He asked in a quiet voice.

Suga shrugged and leaned his head back.

Hinata listened to the conversation. Nishinoya's mother hit Sugawara. Hinata so wished he had a deathnote book.

Yamaguchi walked over to Hinata and handed him the jacket. "Why are you giving me this"?

The freckled boy looked down at him. "I have a feeling you can get it back to the owner" he whispered then hugged him.

"I'm sorry, you have to go endure this".

Everyone was watching the two of them when Yams pulled away. "Everything ok, Hinata"? Yachi asked.

"I just thought since Hinata is taking this situation hard that he'd hold on to Noya's jacket" Yamaguchi said. Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, thanks," Hinata said.

"Everyone go home, practice is over for today," Daichi said. Suga stood and the captain put an arm around his shoulders, leading him and everyone else out of the room.

They all changed and made their ways home. Hinata biked the usual way home, wanting to tell his mother what had happened today.

"You're home early," Minato said, watching the mini, boy version of herself come through the front door.

"Yeah something happened, let me get changed first" Hinata said.

After he got out of his school clothes, Shoyo was sitting on the couch. Minato placed two mugs on the table and sat down.

"Now, what happened"?

Hinata told her the events of the day and she nearly spit out her tea when he said Sugawara got punched.

"That boy did not deserve to be punched, he is the sweetest person I know" She said.

"I know, but it got me thinking" Hinata stopped. "What is it"? Minato asked, concerned.

"Did Nishinoya's mom cause all this"?

"From what it looks and sounds like, yes". Hinata drank all his tea in one go. "Thanks for listening," he said.

"Shoyo, I'm your mother, it's my job to listen to whatevers bothering you," Minato told him. Hinata smiled at her and left for his room.

Minato looked into her cup and decided that wine would be so much better.
1022 words

Aha I don't know what this is

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