Chapter 5

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Nishinoya heard the door open and nearly jumped out of the bed in fright.

He calmed down and watched the woman walk in with food.

Who was it again? Did she tell him her name?

“It’s just me, remember, Hinata’s mom”? Nope, she didn’t tell him her name. Noya winced as he sat up.

“I bet you’re hungry” she said as she gave him the plate. Nishinoya was hungry.

He hadn’t eaten yesterday because of the match and everything else. He ate rather quickly, scarfing down the delicious pancakes. He glanced up and saw Hinata’s mom staring.

He got nervous.

Was she disgusted by him eating like that or was she going to break bad news to him.

But she just smiled and said she’d be back in a second. Noya blinked in response.

I guess that can pass as a yes”.

Noya continued eating until the plate was empty and the red head came back in. “Here” she dropped two painkillers in his hand.

He took them right away to stop the pain in his back and head.

Thank you”. No words, just three blinks. The woman laughed and seemed to catch on.

Noya was tired. He didn’t want to say anything so it was good she caught on. “You’re welcome” she said.

“Oh, and I don’t know if you want to take this too”. Nishinoya saw his medication and took it.

Might as well, he wasn’t sure it actually did anything for him. Maybe it calmed the voices in his head down.

“Do you mind if i see your bandages”? Nishinoya liked how polite Ms. Hinata was. “No”. Meaning he didn’t mind.

“I don’t under-”.

Noya sighed and turned around. She lifted his shirt and took the bandages off.

The stupid things burned when they peeled off his split skin.

“I need to clean your back again, is that ok”? Noya nodded.

Nishinoya sat alone in the room for a couple of minutes. His thoughts were pretty silent but he felt numb.

What happens if I'm not allowed here anymore”? Noya bit his lip. “No one would want a kid like me anyway”.

He felt something touch his shoulder and flinched away from Ms. Hinata. He relaxed when he saw it was just her.

Just her, not his mother.

“Sorry for scaring you”. The cloth was pressed to his back and Nishinoya couldn’t stop the cry that came out of his mouth.

“I know it hurts but it has to be done”. This made him cry harder.

The combined pain of his back and the fact that someone was taking care of him for once, brought tears that he only let out when he was alone, to his eyes.

Why was it taking so long! “It hurts so much”! 

“There, I'm done”. The bandage was wrapped around his upper body again.

Nishinoya said a silent thanks and laid back down, eager to fall asleep away from everything.
489 words
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