Chapter 1 (season 3 spoilers)

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Italics are thoughts
"We're playing Shiratorizawa for a chance to go to Nationals"! Nishinoya bounced up and down in his seat on the bus.

He was excited but knew the responsibility he had, to stop Ushjima's spikes. The demon spiker, that's what they called him but Guardians fight demons and that's what Nishinoya was going to do.

"Woah bro. You excited"? His best friend Tanaka asked from beside him.

"Of course! Aren't you excited to smash the ball down on Shiratorizawa court"?

Tanaka laughed. "Obviously it won't stay theirs for long". Nishinoya nodded and continued to fidget.

They arrived at their destination and walked inside feeling confident.

"Oh yeah, my mother is watching the match back at home. Natsu wouldn't have been able to stay awake through the whole thing" Hinata told Sugawara, who laughed lightly. He then turned to Noya.

"How about you Noya, are any of your family members watching the match"?

Nishinoya cringed.

His father had left him with his mother 4 years ago and his mother.... Hates him.

Noya would be silenced if he brought up volleyball, she thought it was a waste of time.

"She doesn't like volleyball" He said, deadpanned and walked ahead.

"I'm assuming he's talking about his mother"? Suga asked Tanaka, who nodded. He knew pretty much everything about Nishinoya or he thought he did.

Hinata ran to catch up with Noya. "You're talking about your mother right? Why doesn't she like volleyball" He asked, curiously.

"Thinks it's a waste of time" Noya answered.

"Wow, I can't imagine my mother not liking volleyball" Hinata said. "She's always supported me, in whatever I... like". Hinata glanced at the silent libero.

He had a crush on his upperclassmen but never acted on it. But right now, the boy looked sad.

"We're going to crush Shiratorizawa" Hinata whispered.

Nishinoya smiled at him softly.

"Yeah we will".
Nishinoya knew how hard 5 sets would be, but he never thought it'd be so painful.

The stupid plastic ball would fly everywhere when he tried to receive Ushijima's spikes.

Wait, he was getting the hang of it. "In your face, Ushijima"!

It was almost the end of the 5th set and everyone was getting tired. Nishinoya prayed he wouldn't collapse from exhaustion.

"Daichi, why aren't you moving for the ball"! The libero saw no other option but to dive for it.

He received it beautifully.

Oh no, it was going back up to Ushijima. "Oh fuck".

The skilled ace slammed it back down and Nishinoya twisted in the weirdest way, but received that damn spike.

"NISHINOYA"! The benchwarmers screamed because of his amazing double receive...

Hinata watched in awe as Noya received the ball like a pro.

He smiled and yelled his crush's name, along with everyone else.
Noya must've blanked out for the rest of the game. They had won. Karasuno would no longer be called the wing less crows.

He was currently yelling and crying in joy. The moment was perfect and all he ever wanted.

Nishinoya turned and came face to face with the ball of sunshine he loved.

"We did it" Hinata said, almost unbelievably. Noya ruffled his orange hair.

"Yes, we did" He confirmed with a watery smile.

"How's your face, Hinata"? Ennoshita asked. "You took a spike to the face".

"I'll be ok"! He answered with a smile. "It's nothing compared to the bruises Nsihinoya-san gets".

Noya lifted his arms and sure enough, black and purple bruises had started to form.

They knew about those ones.

Not the other ones.

The ones that formed on his chest, his back and sometimes his neck. The ones from his mother.

"Don't worry about me, I can take it"! Nishinoya smiled strongly.

"So awesome! I want bruises like you, so I can show them off"!

"No, you really don't".

Noya just laughed again and followed Daichi to thank everyone. Not soon after, the team was on the bus, heading back to the school.

Nishinoya was barely aware of what was going on. When they arrived, they had a brief team meeting before they were dismissed.

"Does anyone need a ride home"? Suga asked his baby crows.

Nishinoya would love a ride home, but didn't want to actually go home.

If you could even call his house that.

"I'll take one"! He found himself saying. "Ok, I'll take Hinata and Nishinoya" Suga kissed Daichi on the cheek and the two smallest players followed him to his car.

Hinata somehow had the energy to run ahead and jump in shotgun.

Noya sighed and winced as he slightly limped to the car. That receive must've twisted his ankle.

"Hinata"! Suga opened the passenger door. "Let Noya sit there, he's older".

The red head huffed and climbed in the back.

Noya got in and closed his eyes immediately. Without adrenaline, his bruises, muscles and ankle all started to hurt.

"Are you ok, Nishinoya-senpai"?

"Hm"? He sat up and looked behind him. "Oh, you know, the bruises" he shrugged.

"You better ice them when you get home" Sugawara said, but it was more like a command.

"I always do" Noya said.

That was a lie. All the ice in his house was used for his mothers drinks, he wouldn't dare touch it.
"Nishinoya". Noya opened his eyes after feeling someone shake him.

"Yeah"? He yawned. "I just thought you'd want to say bye to Hinata" Suga said.

"Oh" Noya opened the door and stepped out.

"You did great today" he said to the barely taller boy. Hinata blushed, before straightening up again.

"So did you, that double receive was amazing"!

"Thanks" Noya smiled, his spirits lifting a little. "You'd better get inside, I bet your.. mom is waiting to congratulate you".

"Okay, bye Noya"! Hinata waved and ran to his front door.

The libero got back in the car and watched as Hinata's mom hugged him as soon as she opened the door.

Nishinoya teared up and turned his head to look out his window instead. Suga noticed his reaction and started the car.

"You alright"? He asked.


Suga sighed, that was such an obvious lie. "If you ever need anything you know the team has your back and you won't be judged".

"I know".

"I think Hinata definitely wouldn't hesitate to help you if you needed it" Suga said.

Nishinoya was quiet. "I remember that" He said.

Sugawara reached over and ruffled his hair, which had gone flat. "Good"
1079 words. Hoped you guys liked the first chapter. I'm not very good at beginning a story.

The next chapter is angst.
You have been warned

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