Chapter 18

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"Why isn't Hinata here"? Suga was pacing around, zero practice was being done.

"Suga, he texted us last night, he's fine," Daichi said.

"Nishinoya did that too, was he there the next day"?

"Nishinoya's situation and Hinata being a little late are not the same thing" Kinoshita said.

"He has a point," Ennoshita said. Tanaka stood directly beside Ennoshita being oddly clingy to him.

"Weren't you with Hinata yesterday"? Tsukishima asked the freckled boy beside him.

"Yeah, I was," Yamaguchi said, a little nervous from everyone looking at him. "He didn't say anything about not coming today".

"Neither did Noya but here we are"! Suga said loudly. "Now tell me, why the fuck have we not called the cops"?

"Sugawara, calm down" Asahi said, getting a glare in return. "Maybe we should tell the police," Kageyama said.

"I agree, get them to look for Nishinoya," Narita said.

"Hi guys".

Everyone turned to see Hinata standing in the doorway awkwardly.

"Oh thank god" Suga pressed his hand to his head.

"What took you so long dumbass"? Kageyama spat. Weirdly enough, Hinata didn't say anything back. It seemed to the team that he was mumbling to himself.

"Is something wrong"? Ennoshita asked.

"No it's just-". Yamaguchi walked towards the door and whispered something. The redhead nodded before speaking up.

"I have something I'd like you all to see".

They all waited, the tension rising until..

Nishinoya walked out from behind the door.

The gym was suddenly dead silent. So quiet you could hear a pin drop.

Suga was the first to speak.

And cry.

He covered his mouth to stop any sounds that might come out of his mouth and went over to him. By then the whole team was in tears, or at least had tears in their eyes.

"I was so worried," Sugawara said in a soft tone. "Thank god you're ok, but Daichi might–".

"Where were you"! There it was. "The whole team was worried and you didn't think to text"?!

Nishinoya was definitely panicking now as Daichi walked up to them, prepared to lecture him. "Tell me what happened".

There was obvious worry in his voice but Noya couldn't hear past his loud voice.

He slid behind Hinata holding his arm with an iron grip.

"Daichi, stop," Hinata said, holding Nishinoya's hand.

"No, he's been gone for days"! Suga moved forward to stop the captain. "There is no need to yell"!

Nishinoya let go of Hinata and stepped backwards, covering his ears.

His eyes were glued shut and tears streaked his cheeks.

"The yelling" Hinata realized. "Stop yelling, please" Shoyo begged, pulling the now crying libero into his arms.

Daichi took a step back, looking at Suga with wide eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize" he apologized.

Suga placed his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder and turned back to the pair.

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